What is the difference between monerans and protists
Mitochondria and chloroplast are present for cellular respiration, chloroplast for photosynthesis Flagella and Cilia are absent. Presence of Flagella and Cilia for locomotion in some organisms, some also have pseudopodia.
The mode of reproduction in monera is asexual by binary fission or budding. The organisms of the Kingdom Monera has two groups; Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. Kingdom Protista includes unicellular organism but with the eukaryotic cellular organization, which contains membrane-bounded organelles such as nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, etc.
Protiests are primarily aquatic. Some of these organisms have special structures like cilia and flagella that are used in locomotion. The mode of nutrition of protists can be photosynthetic, holozoic or parasitic. A group of protists called phytoplankton are the primary producers of oceans.
Phytoplankton has cell made up of cellulose and is able to photosynthesize. Some protists are predatory and lack cell walls e. This article writter by Sourav Bio on August 13, Microbiology: An Introduction Buy Now. Medical Microbiology 9th Edition Buy Now.
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The realm of kingdom monera is Cyanobacteria, Eubacteria, and Archaebacteria, Mycoplasma, etc. Monerans circulation is through the process of diffusion and movement is through flagella. They reproduce sexually transformation, conjugation, or transduction or asexually by binary fission. Cyanobacteria -They is also called blue-green algae. They are photosynthesizing prokaryotes.
Cyanobacteria are found in all kinds of aquatic habitats right from the fresh water to ocean. Eubacteria -These are two types gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Their cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan and murins, which is a kind of carbohydrates. They are found everywhere which includes water, soil, or on large organisms. Archaebacteria -Archaebacteria is considered as the most primitive kind of bacteria and is said to evolve just after first life on earth.
They usually live in extreme environments like salt lakes, marshlands, oceans and hot springs. They are of three types halophiles, thermophiles, and methanogens. Protista is considered to be the predecessor of the plants, fungus, and animals. In , Ernst Haeckel used the word Protista for the first time. Protista are said to be the first eukaryotic forms of life.
So they have a well-defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Protista is the large group, consisting of around 16 phyla. Maximum members of this category are aquatic in nature. Some of them are responsible for causing serious human diseases like sleeping sickness and malaria.