When is ios 6.1.5 coming out
It is absolutely normal for Apple to seed a number of betas to developers only before making the public release of an upcoming firmware update. Incremental updates do appear from time to time and are directly pushed out to the end user. When it comes to major updates, such as iOS 6. The beta program for iOS 6. This new beta comes merely a couple of weeks after it was rumored that the company is ready to roll out iOS 6. The only difference between a GM build and a beta version is that the former is considered almost ready for public release, which takes place shortly after the GM build is seeded to developers.
You must include the App Measurement framework and dependencies. See the Quick Start guide for more information.
SDK framework size reduced to below GitHub limits. Use rewardbasedvideoadmetadatadidchange: to listen for ad metadata changes.
Added the mainImage property in GADMediaContent class to set the main image asset for native ads when video is not available. Minimum Xcode version is now 9. This fixes an issue in which requesting the second rewarded ad would break several third-party mediation adapters.
DFP banner ads: Fixed a bug where the resize method was not behaving correctly. Bug fixes and performance improvements. Native ads: Added the "Mute This Ad" feature. Native ads: Fixed a bug where AdChoices view was removed when reusing ad views in collection views.
The native express ad format has been discontinued. Deprecated birthday and gender properties on GADRequest. For more details, see the Unified Native Ads guide. For full screen ads, the default close button now renders within the safe area.
Test ads now show a label on top of the ad. See the testing guide for more details. GADAdDelegate has been removed. Fixed an iOS 11 bug where banner views were shifted down due to content insets. Added a dependency on the Security framework. Added text to the debug menu to indicate if creative preview or troubleshooting mode is active. Added the loading property to GADAdLoader , which indicates whether the ad loader is currently loading ads.
Removed armv7s architecture. Added new delegate methods to GADVideoControllerDelegate corresponding to the start, pause, end, mute and unmute of video content. Added support for rewarded video mediation adapters to opt in to early initialization before an ad request is made. Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Added dependency on MobileCoreServices. AdMob publishers should call this method with their application ID. Google Ad Manager publishers who use SDK mediation will no longer get the warning "mediated ad type is unknown or invalid". Added nullability annotations to the SDK's main header files for improved Swift optionals support. Added support for bitcode. While this has increased the size of the SDK download, it will not significantly increase the size of app binaries.
To change this setting for your app, go to your project's Build Settings and under the Build Options section, set Enable Bitcode to Yes. Added a dependency on the MediaPlayer framework. You will need to link this framework to your app's binary. If you are using CocoaPods, run pod install --repo-update. Fixed a corner case where this contract was not upheld. Native Mediation: Added the ability for adapters to handle and report click events. Search ads: Added support for dynamic height.
Added new global settings for crash reporting and automatic in-app purchase IAP tracking. Added APIs for reward-based video mediation. Use setLocationWithLatitude:longitude:accuracy: instead. Added support for custom native ad formats, available for Ad Manager reservations.
Fixed a regression introduced in 7. Added ability for mediation adapters and custom events to record clicks for interstitials. Added minor improvements to custom event APIs.
Released SDK as a framework. Removed dependency on the -ObjC linker flag. Improved ad loading time on iOS 8. Third-party integrations should set this property to denote the platform from which the request originated. Added new DFPRequest class, which supports custom targeting and category exclusions. Fixed crash occurring in DumpViews. Ad loading takes less time on the main thread on iOS 8.
Smart Banner ads are correctly displayed in landscape on iOS 8. These are auto-linked if modules and auto-linking frameworks are enabled. The creative can override this behavior by specifying mraid. Unbundled analytics packages from SDK resulting in 9. The analytics SDK can be downloaded here. Various bug fixes. Added a new interstitial format to launch in-app purchases.
Required to link against the CoreTelephony framework. Fixed a crash that occurs when the device enters airplane mode. Significantly reduced library size. Fixed bug where Ad Manager app events were not firing for interstitials.
Ad Exchange developers no longer need to link libAdapterHtml. Updated mediation warning messages for linker flag usage. Fixed a bug so that interstitial delegates now receive interstitialWillLeaveApplication. Renamed MD5 symbols to prevent duplicate symbol errors. Added support for receiving test ads when using AdMob through mediation. Removed all uses of UDID. Added support for test ads on iOS 6. Fixed a crash for when app is rotated before first mediation ad is received.
Required to link against the AdSupport framework. Required to use Xcode 4. The minimum deployment is iOS 4. Various bug fixes for iOS 6. Compatibility of in-app browser for the taller screen of iPhone 5. The update will be available through the evasi0n website. Jordan Kahn. As expected , Apple just released iOS 6. The mb update is available OTA and comes with build number 10B We reported earlier this month that AOL had informed its corporate employees via email that it would temporarily disable the ability to manage meetings with Exchange on iOS devices running iOS 6.
Fixes an Exchange calendar bug that could result in increased network activity and reduced battery life. The release notes only list the Exchange issues, but ArsTechnica looked deeper to see if it also fixed the passcode unlock bug from iOS 6.