Who is philippians written to

Learn more in Lynn H. Cohick's Philippians online course. Why Paul Wrote the Letter to the Philippians. Categories New Testament Online Courses. So why did Paul write this letter? And why did he write it to the Philippians? You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time.

If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at yourprivacy harpercollins. ZA Blog Books and articles that equip you for deeply biblical thinking and ministry. Get th Your form could not be submitted. He had previously ministered at Philippi spending about three months there.

Paul is found primarily in the New Testament. His original name was Saul until Jesus changed it. He consented to the death of Stephen who was stoned to death Acts He persecuted Christians. He would enter households and jail men and women. He had an encounter with Jesus on his road to Damascus. Acts 9 Jesus asked him why he was persecuting the church. Basically, Paul was persecuting those who believed in Jesus. Saul was afraid and asked the Lord what He would have him to do.

The Lord blinded Saul. He was three days without sight. Later in chapter 9, we see that Saul is baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost and the scales come off his eyes. Shortly thereafter, his ministry begins. The main message of the book of Philippians is to encourage the church to work out their differences, have faith, and continue to believe in Christ.

Throughout the whole book, Paul pours out his heart concerning the Christian walk. He talks about his own struggle and imprisonment. He appreciates their concern towards him. He also appreciates them seeking advice and help.

Paul is teaching them how to live and interact. He talks about why he has been imprisoned. So, it is safe to assume that his imprisonment was helping others to hear the gospel. His third missionary journey ended in Jerusalem. His teachings did not always sit well with Jewish people. He preached that salvation would come to the Gentiles and then Jewish people. This is one of many Epistles Paul wrote while being imprisoned. He also wrote Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon while being imprisoned.

Biblical commentary states that he was imprisoned at his home for two years and was free to write the gospel. The Philippian churched offered financial assistance during his imprisonment. According to Bible scholars, Epaphroditus went to visit Paul bringing assistance from the church of Philippi. He also brought Paul news of trouble in the church.

Paul is in prison currently. Some say he was in Rome others say he was in Ephesus. The time is between A.

Whatever the case may be, scholars almost unanimously agree, as the early church did, that Paul did in fact write this letter which bears his name. Learn more in Lynn H. Who Wrote Philippians? Categories New Testament Online Courses. You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at yourprivacy harpercollins.

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