Who said get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Share 0. Tweet 0. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is hard. Here's some live footage from the experience:.
Is it therefore a wonder people avoid feeling uncomfortable? Questions about embracing discomfort:. Is being uncomfortable a good thing? Who said "get comfortable being uncomfortable"? I have heard this from many different sources. Quotes and advice to help you embrace discomfort:. This quote by athlete Alex Honnold reminds you that your comfort zone isn't static:. Click to Tweet. Reframe what it means to be uncomfortable.
Have big goals and let them drive you forward through the discomfort. Know or find your why as it can get you through almost every experience. Practice doing uncomfortable things. That could really change how these things go. And talking to — all of the communications lectures at Stanford, that [set] is fantastic at doing. They continually seek student feedback in an open-ended way, and they continually revise their class so that they can better meet the needs of the students. Thank you.
Matt Abrahams : If you were to capture the best communication advice you ever received as a five- to seven-word presentation slide title, what would it be? Christian Wheeler : Well, that sounds a little trite on the surface of it. But there are lots of things that we do that can increase or decrease our likelihood of doing that.
When I first came to Stanford we had communication coaches that helped us improve our teaching. And I got some fabulous advice that I never forgot. One is I used to wander around a lot when I was speaking.
It tends to just be very distracting for people. I want you to just stand right here and do not move. When you can move with intention and also not move with intention. So you can create this gravity and stillness when you want to, and then you can create a break. Another thing that a person said is to make extended eye contact with people.
And then I want you to look at another person, pick them and make eye contact with them for a few seconds. But as the person being looked at, it makes that very strong connection. Christian Wheeler : Absolutely. Matt Abrahams : Right. So let me ask you question number 2. Who is a communicator that you admire and why? Christian Wheeler : Ah. When we think of communicators, we often think of orators or business leaders.
But I think novelists are clearly communicators. And through placing you in the mind of Olive, you gain a level of empathy with her. And so for Elizabeth to be able to do that, she needs to both understand what a person like that is like and then to be able to convey that to you in a way that you empathize with it. And you also need to have that empathy to take their point of view, to understand what they want to get out of that interaction. And when novelists can do that in a way, particularly by depicting dislikeable people as someone that you can still identify with, I think is just incredible.
So a lot of reading has to happen there. Christian Wheeler : Okay. You need to be attentive to the situation. Another one I would say would be vulnerability. And the third one I would say is openness. Matt Abrahams : Well, Christian, all of us have been listening to you with an intense curiosity and we have learned so much.
I thank you for sharing with us your insights into communication. To my mind, what I heard you say is it all boils down to approach. For more information and episodes, visit www. Finally, find us on social media stanford. Enter the terms you wish to search for. August 28, Welcome, Christian. Christian Wheeler : Hi, Matt. Great to be here. So I know you talk a lot with your students about managing anxiety. Matt Abrahams : Yes, we do.
Matt Abrahams : Yeah. Matt Abrahams : So give me an example of one of those questions. Here we go. Christian Wheeler : Hell. Christian Wheeler : Approach. Matt Abrahams : Oh. Tell me more what you mean about that.
Christian Wheeler : Five words. These changes brought along discomfort for many, myself included. Businesses changed. School changed.
Work changed. Our everyday interactions with one another changed. At the same time, my business and many in my industry experienced a massive year of growth. We became comfortable with being uncomfortable, and it made all the difference.
An industry that is heavily reliant on the economy. An industry that was hit hard back in during the economic crisis we were dealing with as a nation. I can remember spending many nights awake, wondering what I was going to do back then. Feb 02, AM. Jessica 1 book view quotes. Dec 28, PM. Anna books view quotes.
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