Why is licking chapped lips bad

You can find petroleum jelly in any drug store or online. The National Eczema Association also recommends applying coconut or sunflower seed oil to relieve eczema symptoms.

Here are a few best practices for how to keep lips moist and healthy :. Chapped or dry lips can be caused by an allergic reaction or could be a sign of an infection. Infections of the lips can be triggered by viruses, yeast, or bacteria. Though rare, a serious condition called actinic cheilitis could make one or both of your lips dry and scaly. Symptoms include:. If you notice a patch on your lip that resembles a burn or turns white, see a doctor. If left untreated, actinic cheilitis could lead to type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

As saliva evaporates, it draws moisture away from the lips, leaving them more vulnerable to harsh environmental conditions, like the dry winter air or the hot sun. If you tend to get dry, chapped lips, apply lip balm often, but be sure to choose a lip balm devoid of any fragrance, flavor, or color. There are several proven home remedies that can help nourish and protect your chapped lips.

Some options include coconut oil, honey, aloe vera, and…. So how can you prevent dryness in the first place? Using coconut oil on lips can be an excellent way to provide extra moisture and shine. You can also create a mask to use overnight to bring further…. Your lips are made of skin that is soft and delicate.

As a result, they can easily crack and split under certain conditions. There's one foolproof way to get softer lips and it's ridiculously cheap. We show you how to get glossy, magazine-cover-worthy lips in 30 seconds and…. Learning how to stop biting or licking your lips can be really hard because they're mostly subconscious habits, says Seidenberg. Kicking them may require help from a few topical treatments, but it's the amount of will power and effort you put into it that will determine how successful you are.

Here are the key tips and tricks experts have to offer. If your lip-biting and licking reaches a severe degree, you might want to seek the help of a mental health professional via a telehealth consultation for the kind of training Rieder recommends.

Berry outlines some cognitive-behavioral therapy methods like "mindfulness training" and "acceptance and commitment therapy" wherein patients identify the emotions that trigger their habits and learn to experience them head-on. Keep in mind that this type of training will not work overnight. Once you've begun the necessary mental work to stop biting or licking your own lips, as Rieder suggests, you can start treating lips with topical treatments so long as they are made with the right ingredients.

He recommends ointments like Aquaphor and sometimes prescribes cortisone creams for patients with thickened skin. Gohara additionally recommends plain Vaseline [she is a consultant for Unilever, the brand's parent company].

Seidenberg says that consistent lip licking is most common in patients with dry skin or eczema that's caused by another underlying skin irritant or allergen. If that sounds like you, peruse your most-used skin-care products for common irritants like surfactants and fragrances and switch to milder products. Here are three simple ways to prevent chapped lips and keep your lips smooth and hydrated, according to Zeichner:.

By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools. Chapped Lips. By Madeline R. Reviewed: July 8, Medically Reviewed. Common Causes of Chapped Lips: Wetness and Weather Chapped lips are typically caused by environmental exposures that lead to irritation, including saliva and licking your lips, spicy foods, and cold, dry weather, says Dr. Health Conditions That Can Cause Chapped Lips Chapped lips can also be associated with a variety of underlying medical conditions, including thyroid disease , vitamin deficiencies , and inflammatory bowel disease , says Zeichner.


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