Can you idle for steam trading cards

Eh, I'm giving it a try. Need to find a way to make it more user friendly. Even if nothing more than a program that asks what browser you uses and finds the cookies to read itself.

Or find out how SAM gets away with needing such data from us, and use that method. SAM does it by not needing it because you're a human being who does the thinking. You process which games still have card drops, and you check when each game is done. Because Idle Master is a computer program that does this automatically, it needs some way to do this that doesn't involve human intelligence.

It uses the cookies to simulate being logged in as you to check your badge list and see what card drops are available, and moves from game to game as needed. The only way to avoid needing this information would be to compromise the accuracy of the idling; for example it could just idle every game for two hours. This would cover it most of the time, but may be too much or too little. There could be better ways to extract the cookies though, yes, and I suspect that he'll get around to them further in development.

Switch to a different account, SAM shows different games. I suppose what you say makes sense though. Seeing how many people keep mentioning SAM I think this thread should be locked. It's doing nothing, but promoting cheating and exploiting. Nothing wrong with SAM. I use it myself for this purpose only. Granted, there are people who go and unlock all their achievements, but they aren't getting anything out of it, other than looking foolish to anyone with enough knowledge to realise what happened.

It is their problem as it doesn't effect anyone else. They are merely to show off. And anyone who wants to show off a thousand achievements that suddenly unlocked all at the same time will be ridiculed for it. If you are then you've done a terrible job of it, as your "corrections" are completely incorrect, you should actually learn grammar yourself before attempting to correct others grammar, otherwise you just look like a hypocrite. This does not seem to me as an attempt to correct gabaeba's grammar.

It's a somewhat clumsy use of homophony to say two things: is "cheating achievements" only their problem? So if there's a problem, whose problem is it exactly?

It doesn't matter anyway, but why dig up a post that was made more than a week ago just to respond to me specifically while there are half a dozen other people who basically said the same thing I said in reply to DiamondEclipse? Hahah, epic fail. I pay through the nose for internet and I'm barely allowed to use it, does that sound fair?? Also, there are people out there who don't have a lot of extra money to buy games and Steam trading cards are an excellent way to get extra cash for games.

Since it was introduced a while back, I've used it to greatly increase my Steam library with games that I probably never would have been able to get because I live on a fixed income I'm disabled not lazy , so please, think about what you're going to say before you click "Submit Comment" I usually prefer to install the games instead of using SAM, but I've done it a couple times for large games I didn't want to reinstall only for the cards.

I would love to be able to install every game that I own, but sadly, that's not an option for me. For one, my hard drive wouldn't be able to hold all of them and secondly, as I said above, I'm forced to have a bandwidth cap if I want to use internet at all, so I have to be very choosy when it comes to downloading things.

If I did choose to download a lot of games each month, then that would mean that I couldn't watch anything on YouTube or use Netfix and since I don't watch regular TV, that's just not an option for me, which is why I use SAM to "idle" in games to get the cards. Not everyone in the world has incredible, unlimited internet like some people on this site.

I would LOVE to be able to download anything at super high speeds and watch videos in p on YouTube, but sadly, when I can actually download something, it's with speeds no higher than kbs and I have to watch videos in p maybe p if I'm super lucky that day or I have to spend 4 hours waiting for a 20 minute video to buffer the first few seconds, while risking going over my bandwidth allowance and incurring disgustingly high penalties from my ISP Wow, downloaded and followed said instructions.

I am impressed. I can't express thanks enough! Some FAQ How does this work? Do I need to be logged in to Steam for Idle Master to work? Yes, Steam needs to be running and you must be logged in. Can I play a game while this is running? How do I close the application? Simply click the red X on the application.

Is this safe? Why do I need to sign in to Steam from the application? Why should I trust this? Comment has been collapsed. It still does, since SAM is based on this idea. AAA games usually have built-in appid.

You need indie games like Audiosurf. I use Super Hexagon. I use Amps. The game is only 34MB, and only opens up a tiny window on launch. I use Trine 2. Only an error message shows and still drops cards from other games. On my other computer, I use TF2. What if I told you you can mute any program in the default Windows volume mixer? Doesn't work anymore, in any game, at least to me. It used to work. Lol, with tf2 works fine. Doesn't seem to be compatible with Windows Vista bit : don't judge me bro - my computer's literally shit, haven't had the money, time or opportunity to upgrade it.

Use SAM instead? I'm quite new in this application. For my build: download exe and replace the one downloaded from github. Stop overusing the word "literally". Nice :. Is there a chance to get ban from steam? Well if u don't screw up u will never get banned ;.

Yes, There is a chance to be banned. We have SAM already,yes? Starting more than one game on Steam drastically increases the time to get a card. Started games Either troll or the games aren't really opened up and running :P. Yup, I'm aware of that. I don't like cheating. We'll lay out the details below, but we recommend Archi Steam Farm for your card collecting needs.

Steam Idle Master documentation and FAQs warn of VAC errors if you run the utility along with a secured game simultaneously, so make sure you close out of it and then exit Steam completely before reopening Steam and playing any games protected by SteamGuard.

Idle Master, in comparison, no longer appears to be supported. Front end GUIs exist to make things easier, but most interactions are via keyboard using Command Prompt or Steam messaging using bots. A third alternative, Steam Achievement Manager SAM , goes beyond the other two and collects in-game achievements as well as cards.

As with Idle Master, some users complain that the tool got them banned, while others insist you'll never be touched by VAC as long as you don't run it at the same time as another game. The creators of SAM and Idle Master warn a ban is possible just to keep themselves clear of any blame, but there doesn't seem to be any hard proof they've ever been responsible for a VAC ban. Just use them wisely. While the risk of lost credentials or VAC banning is small with the right tools, are these utilities worth that extra risk?

And since it's not mentioned in any of the other answers: there is even software that will iterate through your games, idling in each one until you get all the cards. It's called Idle Master , but has been unmaintained for a while. You can get a more up-to-date fork here.

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Learn more. Is it possible to Idle, and get trading cards? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed 46k times. Improve this question.

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