Cyber shadow gardna how does it work

Tori Meadows Lvl Bronk Stone Lvl Reginald Kastle Lvl Kite Tenjo Lvl 40 Farm Gate. Yuma Tsukumo. Flip Turner. Sera DSOD. Scud DSOD. Aigami DSOD. Aigami Lvl Yusei Fudo. Jack Atlas. Crow Hogan. Akiza Izinski. Officer Tetsu. DS Kalin Kessler. DS Carly Carmine. DS Rex Goodwin. Carly Carmine. Kalin Kessler. Yusei Fudo Lvl Jack Atlas Lvl Crow Lvl Akiza Lvl Leo Lvl Luna Lvl DS Kalin.

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Yami Yugi Lvl Seto Kaiba Lvl Joey Lvl Mai Lvl Tea Lvl Yugi Lvl 40 Gate. Weevil Lvl Rex Raptor Lvl Mako Lvl Yami Marik Lvl Yami Bakura Lvl Bandit Lvl Ishizu Lvl Odion Lvl Pegasus Lvl Mokuba Lvl Paradox Lvl Arkana Lvl Bonz Lvl Espa Roba Lvl Tristan Lvl Duke Devlin Lvl 40 Farm.

Jaden Yuki. Zane Truesdale. Aster Phoenix. Jesse Anderson. Chazz Princeton. Alexis Rhodes. Vellian Crowler. Bastion Misawa. Syrus Truesdale. Tyranno Hassleberry. Sartorius Kumar. Blair Flannigan. Yami Yugi. Seto Kaiba. Joey Wheeler. Mai Valentine.

Tea Gardner. Yugi Muto. Weevil Underwood. Rex Raptor. Mako Tsunami. Yami Marik. Yami Bakura. Bandit Keith. Ishizu Ishtar. Maximillion Pegasus. Paradox Brothers. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Card Rulings:Cyber Shadow Gardna. View source. History Talk 0. Cyber Shadow Gardna. If you use " Limiter Removal " on your " Cyber Shadow Gardna ", both effects destroy it because of "Limiter Removal", and change it back into a Trap Card by its own effect happen during the End Phase in the order of the controller 's preference.

Damage calculation is not applied. You cannot Tribute it for a Ritual Summon , etc. If the opponent decides to attack with the same monster, you will select its attack target. It will be destroyed and a copy of " Embodiment of Apophis " from your Deck will be added to your hand. Hate Buster : " Hate Buster " inflicts damage equal to the original ATK of the destroyed monster after it is sent to the Graveyard or removed zone.

So you could not activate " Straight Flush ".


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