How is augustine pronounced
How do the heavily Catholic folks around you pronounce it? See all replies 1. I pronounce Augustin like your first poll option and Augustine like your second. I'm not Catholic, and I don't think I've ever heard any of the few Catholic people I know say the name. I think of the city in Florida.
Augustin would be the other pronounciation. What pps said. Thank you all for your input - it helps to get perspective! MaryMagdalen said:. Augustine was an early church scholar and now an offical saint an…. Daphne Boyle. Au-gus-tine of Hippo. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. You are not logged in.. Augustine emphasized mans need for grace Cecile Hudson.
Add a meaning Cancel. Synonyms for Augustine of Hippo theologizer 0 rating rating ratings. Alisa Stiedemann. Augustine 0 rating rating ratings. Moses Wiza. Church Father 0 rating rating ratings. Nick Conroy. Dorris Kuhn. Doctor of the Church 0 rating rating ratings. Berry Lindgren. Add synonyms Cancel.
Augustine of Hippo bibliography - The Augustine of Hippo bibliography contains a list of works published by fourth-century Christian bishop and theologian Augustine of Hippo. Marietta Heaney. Gisselle Ruecker. Add a sentence Cancel. Augustine of Hippo should be in sentence. We English speakers sure are a crazy bunch of people. Augustine who was the first archbishop of Canterbury - How would YOU like to lose a whole syllable of your name? Any given pronunciation of that name is probably seriously influenced by the language from which a specific English use was borrowed.
Ach, du lieber…. The Latin for Augustine is Augustinus. For Latin names ending in -inus or -anus, the penultimate syllable is virtually always long. It is more appropriate in English to stress whatever syllable would be long in the Latin. This is, of course, not a general rule that applies to all Latin words, but it usually does hold for nomenclature.
I think the auGUStine confusion is caused by the pronounciation of Augustus, about which there is little controversy to my knowledge. If you pronounce it auGUStus, then logically you would pronounce Augustine with a stressed antipenultimate syllable.