How is instruction different from teaching
O ffer guidance for learning. Check understanding and guided practice. Assess student comprehension. Provide independent practice. Elicit performance 7. Provide feedback 5. Independent practice. Help during initial steps Continue to automaticity Active supervision 5. Assess performance and provide feedback. Appraise performance. Provide distributed practice and review. E nsure retention and m ake provisions for transferability 6. Weekly and monthly reviews 6. Homework; weekly and monthly reviews.
Notice that Slavin's model , which provides a reasonable summary of the approach of the other models, is focused on the activities of the teacher. This is in line with his QAIT model of effective classrooms in which he proposes that the classroom teacher is responsible for classroom learning. Huitt provides a model of direct instruction from a transactional perspective. From this viewpoint, both the teacher and student are active participants in the learning process, each with their respective responsibilities.
At each event of instruction, Huitt provides both a recommended teacher activity and a set of alternative student activities. Although the research shows that, in general, direct instruction is the preferred model of instruction when the measure of learning is scores on a standardized test of basic skills, teachers must also decide how to deal with individual differences. In general there are three different approaches.
The first is to develop a set of instructional events that directly address different student learning styles. A second approach is to use a method of grouping. Research has shown that cooperative learning , an in-class, hetergenous grouping alternative, is an effective alternative that both impacts student achievement as well as social skills. Differentiated Instruction. Podcast Wunder community app. Main menu Our work Blog Surveys and research.
Join our team Privacy policy Terms of use Fundraising disclosure Sitemap. At a Glance Every classroom has a range of students with different kinds of needs.
Differentiated instruction starts with groups of children. Individualized instruction starts with the needs of one child. Key Takeaways Flexible groups are a big part of differentiated instruction. Individualized instruction targets the needs of one student.
Tell us what interests you. See your recommendations. This makes teaching both formal and informal. It is formal when it occurs inside the classroom or informal when you learn things outside the portals of the school. For instance, you learn to read and write in school with the help of your teachers.
On the other hand, your parents teach you informally about living life and correct values. When we talk about instruction, it's not as complex as teaching. Instruction is simply giving direction. You instruct someone on what to do and how to do it.
For instance, in school you're given instructions by your teachers on how to answer a test or how to perform an experiment. After which, you're simply left to do your work on your own. Instruction makes learners dependent on the teacher.