How long does gts negotiations take

Oh, geez, where do I begin? The hacked shinies? The mountain of crap I thought would have their Hidden Abilities for some reason, including a separate mountain of male Japanese Torchic and Combusken, all with Blaze?

Those people on GTS negotiations that blatantly try to foist onto me their clearly hacked legendaries. Level 3 Mewtwo? Come on. The GTS is awful, the worst place to trade. You have internet connection, so come join SPPf and go to the trade forum. We won't request level 2 Zekrom. In one of my fourth generation games Pearl I believe I went to the GTS to look for a Hippopotas, and all of the ones I found the person either wanted a level legend or level starter.

I decided to get one from my friend on here instead, because I really didn't want all of the Unown to get one. JDr Well-Known Member. I traded away some legendaries that i'm catching again since i've restarted sapphire and diamond.

Notalwaysbalckanddwhite Neighbor? An Oshawott for a Wynaut. It involved a LOT of frantic trading between me and my brother and the other person involved.

But mostly, suckish. However, my brother pulled a lvl Victini off it for "any" Victini. ChaosBlizzard Crit Happens. I've only ever done GTS Negotiations once. Pretty good deal, considering I was giving them away for anything I didn't already have 'dex data on. A pretty cool experience I had however was putting up a standard, totally normal Ditto in hopes of getting an equally standard Japanese Ditto for the Masuda Method, and actually getting one. I offered a simple Pokemon, I got a simple Pokemon, and it was just what I needed.

That Ditto has actually gone on to produce one shiny since then, so that's cool. Pretty good experience all around. I'm glad that there are smart people out there that can figure out a solution for something that at first seems impossible. However, it's still difficult to find someone to play online since not many people know of this!

Spread the word! Gamer By Mistake April 11, Gamer By Mistake Integer sodales turpis id sapien bibendum, ac tempor quam dignissim. Newer Post Older Post Home. You might also like. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: wongerman wongerman 10 years ago 1 Question? User Info: LordFarquad LordFarquad 10 years ago 2 GTS: you put up a pokemon and ask what you want in trade, hope someones sees it and trades it.

User Info: Tethealla Tethealla 10 years ago 3 GTS - you look for a specific pokemon, or put a mon up in exchange for a specific mon. User Info: wongerman wongerman Topic Creator 10 years ago 4 awesome!

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