How old is anakin in revenge of the sith
The next morning, Jinn and the others accompanied Skywalker to Watto's shop, and the boy began to tell Watto about Jinn's proposal when Naberrie stopped Jinn outside for a brief conversation.
When Watto asked how Jinn intended to sponsor the boy, Jinn proposed that that his ship would cover the entry fee. Watto initially suggested they split the winnings fifty-fifty, when Jinn proposed that Watto front the cash for the entry, and keep all of the winnings minus the cost of a new hyperdrive. Watto accepted the deal, and Skywalker was dismissed immediately with instructions to check out Jinn's podracer. As Skywalker worked, his friends Banai and Wald among them, arrived, but Wald and the others were skeptical of Skywalker's chances and left to go play elsewhere, except for Banai.
Despite Skywalker's warnings, Binks became caught between the podracer's energy binders, causing his face to go numb. Anakin used a power pack that Jinn had lifted from Watto's shop to start the podracer, and the group was heartened to witness the engines activating and running perfectly.
That afternoon, Skywalker sustained a cut on his arm, though he did not notice it until later that night when Jinn tended to it and took a sample of his blood. Before Skywalker could get Jinn to tell him what he was doing with his blood, his mother called him inside their house for bedtime.
He then sent this blood sample to Kenobi, who found that the young boy had even more midi-chlorians than esteemed Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. The Toydarian angrily left the hangar just as they arrived, confusing Skywalker with a comment about Jinn and betting, but Banai unintentionally revealed to Naberrie and the others that Skywalker had never actually finished a race, causing Naberrie to lose hope in the boy's chances.
A little while later, the racers and their pods entered the arena and lined up for the race, and Shmi stopped her son to ask him to be safe before he headed out to his racer. Not even Sebulba's threats rattled Skywalker as Jinn helped him into the podracer cockpit. But to Skywalker's dismay, when the starting light turned green, the pod's engines stalled immediately thanks to Sebulba's sabotage, leaving him stuck at the starting line with only Ben Quadinaros and his stalled racer as the rest of the competitors flew off.
Realizing that he had left out one step to start the pod, he rapidly flipped switches and adjusted settings to reset the engines and succeeded in starting the engines, flying out of the arena and chasing after the others. Skywalker entered the Boonta Eve Classic to help his new friends, unaware that he was also competing for his freedom.
He soon caught up to the other racers, passing two before they even noticed him, and he prepared to pass the Troiken Gasgano as they approached Arch Canyon. Gasgano blocked his first few attempts, but Skywalker overtook him as they dropped over a short mesa and proceeded to slip into Arch Canyon quickly and without any trouble. Teemto Pagalies tried to push him into the rock, but Skywalker was able to pass him with a twist.
Sebulba tossed a piece of debris behind him and into Mars Guo 's left engine intake, clogging the motors inside. The engine intake stopped working before the entire engine combusted. With Guo crashing into the desert sands, Skywalker was free to move ahead, going neck and neck with Sebulba as they passed the grid line into the third lap. Going into the third lap, Sebulba still held the lead, as narrow as it was.
With Skywalker close behind, and now out of surprise tricks, Sebulba resorted to sheer brutality in order to either keep Skywalker behind him or batter the boy enough to destroy his pod. Approaching the Laguna Caves , a part of the course where Tyerell had crashed earlier, Sebulba rammed Skywalker off course, forcing him onto a steep service ramp. Boosting, Skywalker sped up the ramp at an exhilarating speed, propelling himself into the sky. The boy was quick to act and adjusted his pod accordingly, leveling his podracer's nosedive as he headed back for the ground.
Not only did he save himself from an explosive wreck, but his jump off of the ramp put him directly in front of a surprised Sebulba. Skywalker continued to hold the lead until they ran into a series of archways. Suddenly Skywalker's left engine bucked and began to give off a stream of dense smoke.
Sebulba's earlier sabotage was beginning to take effect as Skywalker pushed his pod to its limit. Skywalker managed to resolve his engine difficulties and quickly regained his ground, passing up several other podracers before gaining a tail on Gasgano.
Although Skywalker had had issues with passing the Xexto earlier in the race, this time he swerved past Gasgano with little effort and eventually flew parallel with Sebulba as they headed for the final stretch of the course. As they approached the arena, Sebulba blocked every attempt of Skywalker's to pass, and he finally swerved his larger racer into Skywalker's in anger at the boy's repeated attempts—only for the two racers' steering rods to be caught together. When Skywalker's rod finally snapped completely, his podracer began to shudder violently but broke free of Sebulba's racer, the engines of which shot forward and went flying out of control, slamming into rock and sand and exploding.
As Sebulba's pod skidded to a halt, Skywalker shot toward the arena and across the finish line, winning the Boonta Eve Classic. As Skywalker came to a halt, the crowd swarmed his racer.
Jinn hoisted Skywalker onto his shoulders in celebration. In the hangar, Skywalker met up with his family and friends. As Jinn approached, Anakin became embarrassed at Naberrie and his mother's constant hugs and kisses, but Jinn soon departed with Binks and Naberrie to take their parts back to the ship.
Shmi Skywalker and her emancipated son said goodbye to each other, the latter leaving Tatooine to join the Jedi Order. Returning home with Jinn, Skywalker ecstatically showed his mother the credits, and his happiness only increased when Jinn told him that he had been freed and Jinn wanted him to become a Jedi. Anakin was so excited that it was several minutes before he realized that Shmi had not been freed as well, and he was dismayed when Shmi insisted that Anakin go with Jinn to a better future without her.
Packing his stuff, Skywalker bid goodbye to C-3PO, but when it came time to leave, Anakin's resolve broke and he ran back to his mother. He promised that he would return and free her. Despite their sorrow at parting, Shmi convinced her son to go with the Jedi.
As they raced towards the starship that Naberrie and Jinn had come to Tatooine on, Skywalker was suddenly ordered to drop to the ground and complied just as a dark- robed figure, Sith Lord Darth Maul , [11] shot overhead on a speeder. The man leaped at Jinn, drawing a red-bladed lightsaber and attacking the Jedi as Jinn urged Skywalker to get aboard the ship and to take off.
He rushed aboard, and Naberrie took him to the cockpit to tell Jinn's apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi , what had happened. Skywalker and Kenobi rushed to help Jinn as the ship took off and left Tatooine. Later that night, aboard the ship, which Skywalker learned was the personal starship of the Queen of the planet Naboo, Skywalker struggled to fall asleep in the central chamber, as the ship's temperature was radically different to the constant heat of Tatooine that he was used to.
As he huddled in silence, Skywalker witnessed Naberrie enter the room and watch a recording of a plea for help from the Naboo official Sio Bibble. She then noticed him and gave him her blanket, and the two discussed the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo and Naberrie's hopes that the Republic's Galactic Senate could resolve the crisis. Skywalker gave her a japor ivory wood pendant that he had carved for her so that she would remember him, and Naberrie comforted him as he became sad as he remembered his mother.
When they finally arrived at the Republic capital of Coruscant, Skywalker watched from the cockpit in awe as they approached the city-planet, and the ship was greeted when it landed by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, Senator Palpatine of Naboo, and a contingent of Senate Guards.
The Queen and her handmaidens—including Naberrie—departed with Palpatine, though they brought Skywalker and Binks along with them to Palpatine's office and left them outside while they discussed the situation.
Before he went to the Jedi Temple , Skywalker went to the Queen's chambers in search of Naberrie, but the Queen promised to pass on his message when the handmaiden was absent.
Harboring strong premonitions he had received on Tatooine, Qui-Gon Jinn believed Anakin Skywalker to be the Chosen One of prophecy who, it was foretold, would bring "balance to the Force "; Jinn revealed his belief and Anakin's corroborative midi-chlorian test results to members of the Jedi High Council before bringing the boy before them for their consideration of the boy's aptitude for life as a Jedi. Mace Windu tested Skywalker's abilities by asking him to determine what images were appearing on a testing screen that the Jedi was holding but that the boy could not see.
Skywalker named them all with perfect accuracy. However, when Windu and Master Yoda questioned him about his feelings and his mother, Skywalker asked how that was relevant. Yoda explained that fear was the starting point on the path to the dark side.
The ancient Jedi Master said he sensed a lot of fear in Skywalker. As night fell, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Jinn were called before the Council. The Jedi Masters acknowledged Skywalker's great power but refused to train him on account of his age—causing Jinn to declare that he would take the boy on as his own apprentice. The Council would initially refuse this, as Jinn already had his own apprentice, who was Kenobi but Jinn stated that he believed that Kenobi was already ready to become a Jedi Knight.
However, Windu declared that the matter would be dealt with later, as the Naboo problem was more pressing. The Council permitted Skywalker to accompany Jinn, and the three returned to the Queen's starship, where Skywalker questioned Jinn about midi-chlorians.
The Queen and her retinue departed not long afterward, leaving Coruscant and heading back to the occupied Naboo in hopes of freeing the world from the Trade Federation.
When Binks finally returned, he explained that Otoh Gunga was empty, but he took the group to the Gungan Sacred Place , where the Gungans had no doubt fled after the Trade Federation invaded. Skywalker participated in the Battle of Naboo, piloting the starfighter that destroyed the Trade Federation's droid control ship.
Skywalker, the Jedi, and Amidala's handmaidens joined the Queen in dropping to their knees before Boss Nass in a plea for Gungan aid, and Nass agreed to lend his army to the Queen's cause. In the hours that followed the meeting, Amidala and the Jedi began strategizing with the Gungan generals, leaving Skywalker to wander over to the Gungan sentries who were keeping watch for the returning Captain Panaka.
As everyone prepared for the coming battle, Skywalker spotted and approached the handmaiden who had been acting as the Queen. Anakin was a member of the group which, led by Amidala, grabbed the chance to recapture the Theed Royal Palace.
When the group entered the Theed hangar bay, Skywalker heeded Jinn's command for him to stay hidden in the cockpit of one of the hangar's N-1 starfighters.
When several droidekas cornered the Naboo personnel in a firefight, Skywalker attempted to aid them with the N1's blaster cannons, although he accidentally activated the ship to go into space in the process.
Skywalker fought in the Battle of Naboo in a vicious starfighter battle above the planet, [11] coming to realize how much he loved flying over the course of the battle. The following celebration, however, was tainted with the death of Jinn, slain by Darth Maul. Accepted into the ranks of the Jedi Order, Padawan Skywalker attended the victory celebration on Naboo. However, during the Master's funeral, Obi-Wan told him that he would fulfill Qui-Gon's last wish and train him to be a Jedi.
The only others to remain as long as them were Amidala and her court. As he grew, Skywalker's exceptional skills made him cocky, [13] but he nevertheless idolized Kenobi, [29] [12] thinking there was "no one better" than his master. Kenobi sometimes awoke at night and saw this. During his time as Kenobi's apprentice, Skywalker was distrustful of teachers who corrected him, wondering if they were trying to help him or simply put him in his place, knowing that many hadn't wanted him trained in the first place.
In addition to struggling to control his emotions, [31] he found it hard to make friends, as his fellow Padawans were all aware of the rumors of him being the Chosen One. Often lonely, he generally spent his free time in his quarters tinkering with machinery he found in trips outside the Jedi Temple.
He also harbored a lingering resentment regarding the fate of his mother. Sometime after his enrollment into the Order, Skywalker was meditating with his master while also holding together many pebbles using the Force. However, when Master Tosan informed his master that he had a mission from the Council, Anakin's concentration broke due to the surprise of him leaving again.
The mission was to go to the planet Dallenor so that he could collect an ancient Jedi holocron from a dig site. Obi-Wan told Anakin that he would be back shortly and that he would be training with Yoda in the meantime. Skywalker, displeased, complained that he would have to be in the class with "little kids" and that he was far ahead of them in his training. However, he complied and spent his time with the younglings , although he didn't enjoy himself.
However, after some encouragement from Yoda, Kenobi took Skywalker along with him on the mission in a T-6 shuttle. Skywalker was glad that he was finally in space again and asked if he could pilot the shuttle.
Kenobi told him that he could when they got closer to Dallenor. Skywalker asked what Obi-Wan's life was like before joining the Jedi Order. Kenobi told him that he didn't remember as he was taken in at a very young age. Anakin, sadly, expressed that he was always a Jedi and nothing else. Kenobi tried to reassure him by telling him that he still needed to train and was a Padawan when they both met.
However, Skywalker was unconvinced and stated that his life was already set out for him and that he wasn't anything else, unlike him who was a slave. He concluded that this must be why the Jedi Council said he was too old to be trained.
Obi-Wan tried to reassure him again by saying that the Council wasn't perfect and that Qui-Gon Jinn chose him just like he chose Kenobi.
Skywalker, angered, proclaimed that Kenobi's master was dead and that now he was stuck with him. Before Kenobi could reassure Anakin, he walked away.
Skywalker and Kenobi both felt that they had been forced to become Master and apprentice as a result of Jinn's death. Upon arriving on Dallenor, Kenobi and Skywalker encountered a female Togruta archaeologist named Clatriffe.
She was glad that they arrived so they could take the holocron away due to the fact that it was causing problems. She explained that the local pirates wanted to get it and she had to hire local guards to keep them at bay.
Kenobi ordered Skywalker to stay outside to keep watch whilst he and Clatriffe went inside the facility to obtain the holocron.
After they went inside, Skywalker noticed that the pirates had arrived. Kenobi, Skywalker, and Clatriffe went out to meet them and were introduced to the Krypder Riders and their leader Hudso Shaku , who knew that the holocron was something important due to offworlders wanting to get it.
Kenobi stated that they had come in peace but were willing to defend themselves. He activated his lightsaber, whereupon Shaku ordered his pirates to attack him because he found the laser sword to be more valuable than the things that they dug up. Kenobi quickly disarmed the pirates but, while Skywalker froze up due to the suddenness of the attack, Shaku captured him by placing his sword under his chin. He ordered a trade, the boy for the lightsaber, but was taken down by Skywalker using the Force to assault Shaku with small pebbles.
With Shaku knocked unconscious and the pirates' weapons destroyed, they surrendered to the Jedi. On the shuttle home, Kenobi praised Skywalker for his great work on his first mission. Skywalker, however, exclaimed that he froze up and wasn't ready for a mission even though he believed otherwise.
Kenobi reassured Skywalker that it was he who was not ready. He asked that since he couldn't save his master from dying, how could he save his Padawan. Skywalker, with renewed confidence, stated that they would save each other and that that was what Qui-Gon would have wanted.
Kenobi agreed and then recalled that Anakin wanted to fly the shuttle. Skywalker, in response, said yes enthusiastically. By the time he was 12 in 29 BBY , he had built his first lightsaber ; [33] after its construction, Kenobi said to him, "Anakin, this weapon is your life. During a training session, he defeated a training droid , which he had programmed to mimic the appearance of the Sith of Naboo. The two arrived at his office , where Palpatine requested that Skywalker accompany him on an errand, declining Kenobi's company.
Left alone, Skywalker escorted Palpatine to Club Kasakar in Level , all the while listening to Palpatine express concern for the situation on the sub-surface levels of Coruscant, [30] the inability of the Jedi to respond efficiently, [36] and the corruption that plagued the Senate, such as Colandrus —subtly, and unbeknownst to Skywalker, marking the beginning of his influence over him. Though Skywalker answered that he was and that "training to become a Jedi [was] all [he] ever wanted," it did plant a seed of doubt in his mind.
Later, at the Jedi Temple, Skywalker confided in Kenobi that he wished to leave the Order, feeling uncomfortable at the prospect of his entire life being decided when he was only nine years old, and surrendered his lightsaber to his master.
Though Kenobi took the weapon, he pleaded for Skywalker to reconsider. Before Skywalker could give his definite answer, at Yoda's behest, both student and master responded to a mysterious distress signal from the supposedly dead world of Carnelion IV that specifically called for Jedi intercession.
They began their journey to the coordinates, but their shuttle was damaged due to the planet's atmospheric debris field, and the two had to eject from the doomed vessel, landing below the Celadon Sea. Not too long afterward, they came to be aware of life on the planet as a sky battle raged over them, and Kenobi returned his lightsaber to him so that he could defend himself. As one of the combatant airships began to fall, Skywalker and Kenobi saved its two-person crew by delaying the crash.
Though tempted by the prospects of life outside of the Jedi Order, Skywalker chose to continue his training under Kenobi. The two survivors, Kolara and Mother Pran , who identified themselves as " Open ," knew nothing about what a Jedi was. But due to the historical feud between their factions, Grecker and Pran tried to murder each other, forcing Skywalker and Kenobi to destroy their weapons and to escort them to safety.
To facilitate their journey, they used the intact parts of each of their airships to form a new one in order to fly to their destination. During the conversations that ensued, Skywalker mentioned his and Kenobi's purpose on the planet: to find the person who had sent the Jedi distress signal, [30] which alerted Pran and Grecker to the location of " the scavenger. During the journey, Kolara told Skywalker about the mysterious kites, before noticing that he was good at fixing things, as he made an adjustment to his lightsaber.
Kolara and Pran then had Skywalker repair a bag of droid brains and, seeing his usefulness, threw away his lightsaber and abducted him when a horde of fishers attacked the ship, leaving Kenobi alone with Grecker as the airship crashed [29] below the Celadon Sea.
Skywalker was taken to one of the Open's fortresses, where he witnessed as Pran used the processors he had repaired to activate some battle droids.
As they left to wage war on the mysterious scavenger who reminded both Open and Closed of everything they had lost and how badly they had failed , [36] Skywalker remained with the younger Open, whom he convinced to protect the scavenger and help him get back to Kenobi.
Using their help, Skywalker fixed the remaining droids and intervened in the skirmish between the Open and Closed unfolding right next to Sera's fortress. He saved his master from Mother Pran and met with Kolara and Sera, but rather than try to stop the fight, Kenobi had Skywalker repair a communications unit and called the Republic for aid. Soon enough, a task force arrived and forced the natives to cease hostilities. In the aftermath, his master offered Skywalker his lightsaber, asking if he was still adamant about leaving the Order, but Skywalker decided to remain a member.
At some point after the mission to Carnelion IV, [38] Skywalker was being tested by Kenobi, who was having the Padawan attempt to defend from a group of Marksman-H training remotes using a wooden stick rather than his lightsaber.
When Skywalker used the Force to grab his master's lightsaber, completing the trial using it instead, he and Kenobi began to argue with one another.
As Kenobi left with a team of Jedi Temple Guards , investigating a disturbance in the Force, he ordered Skywalker to remain there and clean up. Skywalker was tasked with protecting Senator Amidala, whom he had not seen in a decade, an experience he described as intoxicating. Ten years after the Battle of Naboo in 22 BBY , [4] as the Separatist Crisis threatened to tear the Galactic Republic apart, [13] the 19 year old [40] Skywalker [25] and Kenobi [13] were involved in an important mission [25] to settle a border dispute on Ansion.
Anakin was delighted to see her after so many years; he had thought about her every day since they parted. Kenobi had doubts about his Padawan's power. Shortly after, when his master noticed that Skywalker was tired, he admitted that he had constant nightmares about his mother; he also revealed his powerful affection for Amidala. This led the two into a debate about whether every politician, including Amidala and Palpatine, was corrupt.
He arrived just in time to cut two venomous kouhuns in half, just a few centimeters from the senator's face. Obi-Wan noticed the assassin's droid at the window and threw himself out, grabbing it. When the bounty hunter Zam Wesell shot her droid down, Skywalker arrived upon the scene as his Master was in free fall.
Catching Kenobi, the Padawan continued the pursuit of Wesell's airspeeder. Spotting the Jedi, Wesell took her speeder on a nosedive—plunging several meters toward the lower levels of Coruscant. With the Jedi relentlessly pursuing her, Wesell flew through the exhaust flames of the Kerdos Company recycling plant , hoping that the flames would scorch her adversaries in the open-top speeder.
Seeing the pair still chasing her and unharmed by the flames, Wesell fired at the couplings of a nearby electrical plant, causing the Jedi's speeder to be inundated by electrical shock. Skywalker, an expert pilot himself, quickly caught up to Wesell.
The bounty hunter steered her craft into a network of skytunnels, aiming once again to lose the pursuing Jedi. Skywalker did not chase directly into the tunnel but opted to travel an alternate route. Wesell wove through the local network of tunnels.
Anakin and Obi-Wan thought they lost her, but just a few minutes later Anakin noticed the bounty hunter's airspeeder below, and jumped out, let his body drop the intervening distance through the air, then latched a firm hand-grip to its rear canopy handle.
He ultimately was forced to let go when she shot at him, although not before getting a good look at her, wherein he deduced that Zam was not only a female but also a changeling he'd briefly glimpsed Wesell's true form when she looked up.
The Jedi ignited his lightsaber and sliced at the windscreen, knocking out the guidance systems. Wesell shot the lightsaber out of Skywalker's hand, but the ensuing struggle caused Wesell to misfire her blaster pistol, damaging the control pipes. Meanwhile, Kenobi, who was behind Wesell at this point, caught Skywalker's lightsaber.
The airspeeder began to plummet toward the surface, crashing near the Outlander Club. Wesell crawled from the crash site and fled into the club. Anakin was about to follow Zam into the building when Obi-Wan stopped him, returning to him his lightsaber, reiterating, "this weapon is your life.
Anakin indignantly responded that Obi-Wan was like a father to him. Inside the Outlander Club, Anakin was instructed by his master to search the premises while he went for a drink at the bar. Wesell hid until the two Jedi separated, then slowly approached the seemingly vulnerable Jedi at the bar. To secure the accuracy of her shot, she continued approaching the Jedi with her weapon drawn while Kenobi, through the Force, sensed the bounty hunter's intentions.
In an instant, Kenobi ignited his lightsaber, spun around, and severed Wesell's arm below the elbow. Skywalker and Kenobi took the wounded bounty hunter and dragged her from the club, setting her in an alley behind the club for interrogation. Wesell was initially reluctant to give any information about who had hired her, replying that it had simply been a job. As Skywalker pressed her, however, Wesell prepared to divulge the information.
Suddenly, a mysterious figure fired a toxic dart into Zam's neck. Subsequently, the Council sent the Master and Padawan on separate missions—Skywalker, on his first solo mission, would protect Amidala on Naboo, whereas Kenobi continued an investigation into Amidala's aggressors that took him to Kamino.
Joined by R2-D2, Skywalker and Amidala departed for Naboo aboard the Jendirian Valley , a refugee ship leaving [13] from the western spaceport. While on Naboo, as he experienced inner conflict between his strong desires for her and his duties as a Jedi, Skywalker revealed to Amidala his love for her, but she refused since Skywalker was not supposed to form attachments as a Jedi, even though she felt the same for him.
Skywalker was also troubled by dreams of his mother suffering, which prompted him to return to Tatooine and rescue her, to which Amidala agreed to accompany him. On Tatooine, the two located Watto, who revealed that he had sold Shmi to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars. The couple then visited the Lars farm only to discover that Shmi had been abducted by Tusken Raiders about a month before their arrival, and was feared to be dead. Determined to save her at all costs, Skywalker took the swoop bike of his stepbrother, Owen Lars , and searched for his mother.
Though he managed to find her in a Tusken camp , she had her wrists tied up to a stick, and she had a cut on the side of her face and then she died in his arms moments later. Consumed with grief and rage, Skywalker slaughtered the entire village of Tusken Raiders—men, women, and children. Only then did Skywalker bring his mother's body back to the homestead, where her funeral was held, and when he claimed he would become so powerful in the Force he could stop the people he loved from dying.
It was then that Skywalker received a message from Kenobi telling him of Separatist presence on Geonosis , which they retransmitted to Coruscant so that the Jedi Council could see it for themselves. Upon learning he had been captured, Skywalker and Amidala departed for the planet, where they entered one of the factories where his lightsaber was destroyed but were subsequently captured and placed with Kenobi into the Petranaki Arena to be executed by beasts.
However, the trio managed to avoid the creatures in Skywalker's case, a reek , only to be surrounded by droidekas on Count Dooku 's orders. However, a Jedi assault team , led by Mace Windu, arrived to rescue them. As the battle raged between the clone army and the Separatist Droid Army , they caught sight of Dooku; though Amidala and a clone trooper were knocked from the troop bay by a cannon blast, Skywalker and Kenobi continued to pursue the Count to a secret hangar, where they engaged him in a duel.
Both were defeated, and though Kenobi suffered minor wounds, Skywalker lost his right forearm. It was then that Yoda arrived and fought Dooku until the Sith Lord made his escape on his solar sailer.
The battle had proven to be the start of the Clone Wars , and Skywalker received a cybernetic replacement for his lost arm. Skywalker was knighted to fight in the war, [44] and he became a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. The st Legion was under his command during much of the war effort, his "first-in-command" often being Clone Captain CT , who was also known by his nickname "Rex.
At some point before [47] he received a scar over his right eye, [12] Skywalker participated in the Battle of Arantara. During the battle, Rex was wounded and rendered unconscious. After being found by Skywalker, Rex was surprised to see that he had come back for him, as acts like that were not extremely common amongst the Jedi.
Skywalker responded that it should have been him in his place, telling his captain that a true leader always led from the front. Sometime later, the Jedi Council sent Skywalker along with Kenobi and Jedi Master Plo Koon along with their respective battalions to the besieged planet of Hisseen in order to stop a Separatist victory on the planet.
While protecting a village from oncoming droid forces, the clones required backup before Skywalker, Kenobi, and Koon arrived to rescue them. The three jumped into combat as Koon used the Force to push several droids into one another, destroying them.
After a short battle with the droids, the Republic emerged victorious over that wave of droid forces. With this, Skywalker deactivated his lightsaber and met with Commanders " Wolffe " and " Cody " as well as Captain Rex regarding the Hisseenian parliament as well as a Hisseenian premier who was to meet with Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress , which could potentially lead to Dooku dissolving the government on Hisseen and allow him to control the planet.
With this, Kenobi informed the clones that they would need to hold that position while the three went after Dooku and Ventress. With that, the three Jedi left to confront Dooku and Ventress. Meanwhile, Rex told a story about him and Skywalker during a mission on Benglor. Administrators' noticeboard IRC Discord. Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations.
Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Forum:Anakin's age. Edit source. History Talk 0. So he was 46 yrs old in 4 ABY. Unless he died before his birthday that year. Thoughtout the Original Trilogy, it was 19 years, making him died at the age of 46 and come back to the light side of the force just before this. There are just over ten years between Episodes I and II. Ten years later in 22 B. Over time he's done quite a few different things, including helping launch gaming on the site, often handling news, features, and guides simultaneously.
Now he sticks primarily to movies and TV, and spends way too much time looking at analytics. It sure seems like he's put his Political Science degree to good use, huh? By Mansoor Mithaiwala Published Sep 23, Share Share Tweet Email 0.