How old is elinor in sense and sensibility
His appearance however was not unpleasing, in spite of his being in the opinion of Marianne and Margaret an absolute old bachelor, for he was on the wrong side of five-and-thirty. The character of Marianne becomes a vehicle for comically wrongheaded ideas about when, exactly, one is required to give up hope for a fulfilling life. Jennings for poking fun at him:. I can easily suppose that his age may appear much greater to you than to my mother; but you can hardly deceive yourself as to his having the use of his limbs!
Hugh Grant was always first choice to play Edward Ferrars. He agreed to reduce his normal salary in order to help with the budget. Dame Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet lived together during the shoot to help them form a natural sisterly bond. During filming, the Jane Austen Society telephoned co-producer James Schamus to complain about the casting of Hugh Grant , claiming that he was too good-looking to play Edward Ferrars.
Kate Winslet admitted that she was terrified of Alan Rickman when she met him in the hair and make-up trailer. She thought he would think she was a terrible actress and get her fired.
After a week or two, she got to know him, and realized how sweet and warm he was. She ended up adoring him and worked with him again, as her director and co-star on A Little Chaos Dame Emma Thompson recounted that, during the scene where Colonel Brandon approaches Elinor and Marianne on horseback, many takes were ruined by the horse's flatulence.
Eventually, they were forced to shoot the scene with the farting horse, and the rather loud reports were edited out of the soundtrack later. Director Ang Lee spent six months in England prior to filming in an effort to steep himself in English culture and acclimatize himself to the British sense of humor.
Largely filmed in Devon, where the novel is set. Dame Emma Thompson 's first draft of the screenplay consisted of three hundred fifty hand-written pages. The final draft was a culmination of that and thirteen other drafts, which were written over four and a half years.
At thirty-six, Dame Emma Thompson was considerably older than the character of Elinor Dashwood in the novel, who is generally thought to be around nineteen.
Kate Winslet was closer to her character's age, being twenty in relation to Marianne's sixteen. The excerpt that Colonel Brandon reads to Marianne near the end of this movie "nothing's lost but may be found if sought It is part of the second canto in Book V: Justice. Dame Emma Thompson was asked to write the screenplay by producer Lindsay Doran , when she discovered their shared love of Jane Austen when working together on Dead Again This movie was part of a massive renaissance in popularity for the works of Jane Austen in the mid s due to highly successful screen adaptations, along with the BBC's television version of Pride and Prejudice which made a big star of Colin Firth and Gwyneth Paltrow 's Emma This movie's release and popularity saw the novel return to the New York Times' Bestseller list.
Dame Emma Thompson and her sister, Sophie Thompson , met their future husbands - Greg Wise and Richard Lumsden , respectively - on the set of this movie. Given that this was his first English-language movie, director Ang Lee was taken aback when Dame Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant would come to him with suggestions about their characters. Lee wasn't used to this method of working, as it is not the style in Taiwan.
Feeling self-conscious about herself, Kate Winslet was skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight. Emma Thompson noticed and told her: "Losing weight is absolutely wrong for the part, and absolutely wrong for you. Winslet has since credited Thompson as having a major influence in her life, and the two are extremely close friends to this day. It is more likely that she would not have known about the code of duelling.
Brandon has to go urgently to London, and, as we learn later, the problem is that the younger Eliza has been seduced and abandoned by Willoughby. Jennings is not entirely a figure of fun. Consider another hint that Elinor is coming to value Brandon as she perhaps should. Few people who have so compassionate a heart. This passage might even have been intended in an earlier draft as the point where Elinor turns from Ferrars to Brandon.
At the following point, the first time I read Sense and Sensibility I was almost sure that Elinor had come round to valuing Brandon over Ferrars. Ferrars and Elinor, that her regard seems most in evidence:. I have always heard him spoken of as such, and your brother I know esteems him highly.
He is undoubtedly a sensible man, and in his manners perfectly the gentleman. Readers must think about Elinor and how she has been brought up. She is a daughter of the gentry, growing up in large country houses on landed estates. She is not of the next lower social category, who supply the clergy, country lawyers, estate managers stewards and bailiffs , and to whom Jane Austen herself belonged. The wife of a country parson had to minister to the physical needs of the parishioners on a day-to-day basis.
This was over and above the labor-intensive work our great-grandmothers had to do just to keep a house running and its people fed and clothed. With this small force and having no time to herself once the babies started coming, Elinor would have been run off her feet.
Her life will not suddenly be blighted if the potatoes in her kitchen-garden turn green or black. I surmise that Delaford would have espalliered fruit-trees, so Elinor would get fruit on her table earlier.
If she wants a birdbath or another garden-seat, her husband can have an outdoor servant or a tradesman in a nearby town build and install it. Elinor was born and raised to marry a gentleman, but why would she pick Mr.
After this turn of heart, she ultimately marries her long-standing admirer, Colonel Brandon. The wealthy, manipulative mother of Edward and Robert who disinherits her first son when he refuses to marry a rich heiress. The sensible and friendly older brother of Fanny Dashwood and Robert Ferrars.
Edward develops a close relationship with Elinor while staying at Norland and ultimately marries her, after he is freed from a four-year secret engagement to Lucy Steele. A conceited coxcomb and the younger brother of Edward and Fanny. Robert inherits his mother's fortune after she disinherits Edward. Ironically, he ultimately marries Lucy Steele, even though it was Edward's engagement to this same woman that caused his mother to disinherit him.
Lady Middleton's gossipy but well-intentioned mother who invites the Dashwood sisters to stay with her in London and makes it her "project" to marry them off as soon as possible. A distant relation of the Dashwoods who lives at Barton Cottage with her husband Sir John Middleton and their four spoiled children. The jovial but vulgar distant relation of the Dashwoods who invites Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters to stay at Barton Cottage after Mr. John Dashwood inherit Norland, leaving the women homeless.