Moxibustion breech how does it work
According to guidelines published in the BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in , "the use of moxibustion for breech presentation at weeks of gestation, under the guidance of a trained practitioner" may promote spontaneous version. Granese has prescribed moxibustion for breech presentation before 36 weeks. When moxibustion is performed in a clinical setting, the risks associated with it are so minimal "they're hardly worth mentioning," says Burris. Those risks include nausea from the scent of burning mugwort, and burns and blisters if the ignited herb comes in contact with the skin.
Whether or not it's safe to practice moxibustion at home depends on who you ask. Burris, for example, says although she's aware other practitioners give their patients moxibustion sticks to use at home, her practice advises against it.
But Ingegno says moxibustion can be performed at home using sticks, under the training and supervision of a licensed acupuncturist. However, burning moxa directly on the point is not an at-home technique and should only be performed in a clinical setting, Ingegno warns.
While learning you have a breech baby is no doubt a stressful situation, moxibustion can be quite relaxing. Moxibustion for a breech baby is usually performed between weeks 34 and 36 of pregnancy, and may be prescribed as an alternative or precursor to an external cephalic version ECV. You could also ask your midwife about having a vaginal breech birth. Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese technique to turn a breech baby to head first, usually around 34—36 weeks of pregnancy.
Moxa — sticks of dried herb — are used to heat specific energy points on your little toes. A few maternity units now offer it, or search www. Moxibustion is not appropriate for every mum with a breech baby. Whilst it is a gentle and generally safe technique, it should not be used if:. If you are Rhesus negative, ask your midwife if your Anti-D is up-to-date. No: CD Acupuncture Medicine Rebecca's vision is to promote evidence-based birth practices among consumers and clinicians worldwide.
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