Skyrim redguard woman who is telling the truth
If you decide to help Saadia, go into the dungeon of Dragonsreach and speak with an Alik'r Warrior that was captured. After paying gold to a guard, the prisoner will tell you that the leader of the Alik'r is in a cave west of Whiterun called Swindler's Den. If you have already cleared out Swindler's Den, a dialogue option will appear when talking to Saadia that will reveal to her that you know where they are, allowing you to skip this part of the quest.
Upon reaching Swindler's Den , you'll find that it's full of bandits. Make your way through the network of tunnels, killing every bandit in your way until you reach a passage with a waterfall. As soon as you walk through the wall of water, the Alik'r leader Kematu should initiate a conversation.
He claims that Saadia is wanted for treason, for selling Hammerfell out to the Aldmeri Dominion. If you still want to help Saadia, you'll have quite a fight on your hands. At least four Alik'r Warriors will assist Kematu, often more. However, use of the Mayhem spell here makes the fight a breeze. Fighting the host of Alik'r warriors can be made easier by using the bear traps at the mouth of the winding path that leads into the cave where Kematu awaits. The warriors get hung up in the path, allowing the traps to be reset.
Success is facilitated by focusing on your high-offense attack while retreating. Once your stamina or magic is depleted, turn and run for the traps, being careful to jump over them as you pass. It is also possible to simply exit the conversation with Kematu or tell him that you will help lure Saadia away , sneak into the room just ahead, and snipe all the warriors with your bow.
Once the Alik'r are dead, loot Kematu's corpse for bonus gold, then go get your reward from Saadia. If you decide to help the Alik'r capture Saadia, Kematu or the Redguards with whom you spoke in Rorikstead will ask you to lure her to the stables outside of Whiterun. Go back and talk to Saadia in The Bannered Mare and ask her to follow you.
Once she gets to the stables, Kematu will use a paralysis spell on her. Talk to him for your reward. While Kematu and Saadia are talking at the stables, you can still kill Kematu before he casts the spell on Saadia.
This will get you the reward from Saadia and the gold that Kematu is carrying, without having to fight the rest of the Alik'r. If you kill him after he casts the spell, however, Saadia will attack you when she gets back up.
Alternatively, allow Kematu to cast the spell on Saadia and collect the gold reward, thus ending the quest, then kill Kematu to undo the spell on Saadia. At this point, Saadia will be hostile right away, so use a Calm spell on her, then talk to her, and she will give you the gold reward for killing Kematu.
You can then loot Kematu's body to get gold, his attire, and his sword. Once the Calm spell ends, Saadia will become hostile again - this is a permanent state, so even if you leave the area, she will attack the next time you meet her. Kill her and then loot her body. Grok Not sure if the Justiciars are related to that choice. They may be related to the quest though. I was attacked by a group of them, and hadn't done the Embassy, and had sided with Saadia.
Was wondering why they attacked me at all, since I hadn't done anything obvious against the Thalmor yet. The rest of your points make a lot of sense though — l I.
However, you must consider that the Alik'r have curved swords. How would you like someone breaking in your house and punishing your children? They can be right but it's disrespectful. On the other hand, were they killed by 'regular' murderers this wouldn't enrage you politically. Although they are allowed to hunt down worshippers of Talos, they do not hold any authority to enforce local laws or their own in Skyrim.
Keep in mind the Aldmeri agreed to sign a peace treaty that is of great advantage but doesn't grant unlimited powers. Show 5 more comments. Kematu might be telling the truth The first time you talk to Saadia, she pulls a knife on you.
While this may seem like an act of desperate defiance, it may hint at a violent and unpredictable personality.
Saadia seems hesitant to explain the full situation, while Kematu elaborates on it fully. Is Saadia's reticence due to her guilt? The man you can free from jail seems strangely honourable, saying he has shamed his companions and wants to begin anew.
If Kematu really was an assassin, why paralyse her at the end of the quest - why not just stab her and be done with it? He also mentions justice, and taking her into custody, and implies that Saadia will face a trial back in Hammerfell rather than swift execution.
All this points to him and his warriors being enforcers rather than assassins. Kematu's opening line - "We can avoid any more bloodshed. This would make the dominion hiring them most strange. It is then important to consider this: Is hiring Redgaurd assassins the style of the Dominion? They have a certain level of free reign within the Empire. Why would they need to hire human assassins to kill someone?
They have the Justiciars doing that for the Thalmor. Saadia specifically wants you go and kill Kematu. Why does she want that? The Alik'r are not allowed in the city, so for now she is perfectly safe.
For these reasons I almost always end up siding with Kematu. Lore Friendly Lore Friendly 7, 33 33 gold badges 79 79 silver badges bronze badges. I side with Kematu, because I probably can't take on 20 assassins with curved swords.
I tend to believe Kematu as well, mostly for the reasons you outlined. The primary thing that reinforced my belief was that he paralyzed her and took her back, rather than simply killing her on sight. Pulling a knife is what anyone would do. He might just be hired and loyal to who hired him. They're already not liked in Whiterun. You catch more flies with honey. Not saying you're wrong, only that there's a secondary explanation for everything, even if only so as to get you convinced to take their side.
Flater re. An additional point in favour of Kematu is that if you kill Saadia at the exchange, he laments the wasted effort, so clearly he wasn't just planning on murdering her once they're out of your sight. Meanwhile Saadia's burial urn, which appears in Whiterun afterwards, could have been sent back for whatever reason e.
Show 2 more comments. Slade Slade 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Punishment for treason is death, so it proves nothing. Why not in Hammerfell? Arkku Why, after an execution in Hammerfell, would they send her ashes back to Skyrim? Nothingatall "To let the player in Skyrim know it has happened. Show 1 more comment.
My assumptions: Kematu is an Alik'r warrior. Having those assumptions out of the way here are some history facts from "The Great War": Skyrim begins at 4E In 4E 27 years prior to Skyrim General Decianus was preparing to drive the Aldmeri back from Skaven when he was ordered to march for Cyrodiil. In 4E 26 years prior to Skyrim The Emperor encouraged [The Aldmeri Dominion] in their belief that he was preparing to surrender; meanwhile, he gathered his forces to retake the Imperial City.
In 4E at the end of the war In the end, the main Aldmeri army in Cyrodiil was completely destroyed. In 4E the White-Gold Concordat is signed. My Conclusions - Feel free to make your own based on the given facts I doubt that 21 year is enough to clear up all the bad blood between the altmer and the redguards especially with the redguards being involved in gibbeting one of their more famous generals.
Ceiling Gecko Ceiling Gecko 3 3 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges. If the Alik'r were mean-intended assassins as Saadia claims they would just kill these Redguard women they are harassing, not spare them once they recognize it's not her.
But the most logical reason why the Alik'r must be correct is that Hammerfell is independent and opposes the Dominion, so you don't get hunted just because you "publicly speak out against the Dominion". But here is my take on it for judging the character Saadia actually puts the weapon away when you ask her to The Alik'r pretty much are going to kill you unless you give them Saadia.
The Alik'r are also ousted from entering Whiterun.. James James Do the Alik'r actually go after you if you take too long to lure Saadia to the stables? Renan In my experience no. They are hardly savage bandits. He says that in Hammerfell, the resistance against the Dominion which is not there since 4E is still alive. Yeah, I remembered this quest. Always went with Kematu, because mainly I don't trust thots. But then I heard there was a way you could kill both of them, so I went with that option for the rest of my character playthroughs.
I guess you could be forgiven for believing either of them the first time you play Skyrim. But the second or third time, especially after you read about the Great War? Not really. Most lies usually have a grain of truth in them, but in this case, both sides are blatantly lying to us by stating things that contradict current day events in Hammerfell.
To me, the quest just didn't give the impression of a morally-driven quest because we don't know what really happened with Saadia to have her get chased down by the Alik'r warriors, and it didn't help that both sides refuse to even provide us with a bit of the truth. Instead they claim that "this person or that person was working for the Aldmeri Dominion" just so the players have more reasons to hate on the Thalmor.
Sometimes I wished, that there was a hidden "third option" in the quest where, after reading about the Great War, we can call out on Saadia or Kematu on their lies and have them reveal the truth, or at least some of it, to us. You might as well say you didn't trust any of them because they were black. So the words of both Saadia and Kematu make me raise an eyebrow. I had thought about the choice for quite some time, and in the end came up with a decision.
It doesn't really matter who is lying. In the end, it's a bunch of warriors who aren't above paying to bandits against a lone civilian woman. Because of this, I always side with Saadia.
And if she diid sell the city to the Dominion, that's all the more reason to help her, if one is a Thalmor oneself. It all depends on the character, but from the perspective of Walks-In-Darkness I talk to Saadia and just drop the quest after that, don't bother with Kematu. If I have to choose between 2 snakes in a basket, I'd walk off.
Edit: Oh I see someone already mentioned the content of the video above. According to the Concordat, yes. Which is the reason why Hammerfell refused to accept the Concordat, and the Emperor had to declare it no longer a part of the Empire. After which, the war continued for 5 more years between the Dominion and independent Hammerfell, and ended in 4E with a peace treaty, according to which the Dominion had to withdraw its armies from Hammerfell.
The Great War. Chris said: Oh, for some reason I thought they had troops still there. Didn't the Empire have "rogue" Legionnaires there to help the resistance. They did, yes. But that was in 4E Basically, the information Kematu tells us could be true