What is odata and oauth

Add "Content-Type", contentType ; request. Invoking a POST method. After obtaining the token, you have to execute the Bizagi OData service. The structure of the JSON depends on the method. You can consult our service index to see our OData methods. GetBytes startParameters ;. Write body, 0, body. Length ;. C Coding example to use OData. Overview The following example shows how you can create a code in C to invoke OData methods from an external systems. The coding steps to invoke an OData method are the following: 1.

Obtaining the access token The first step is obtaining an OAuth 2. GetBytes startParameters ; request. Choose type as "Bearer". Download Keycloak adapter for the EAP, and unzip over the Teiid server installation or follow Keycloak installtion directions. Now, start the Teiid Server and using the jboss-cli. The Keycloak is installed and the OData transport is modified, now we need to install security-domain called "passthrough".

Note that the web layer is using OAuth2, but at the VDB layer, this logged in user need to be passed through and this security domain will help with that. This finishes all the server side changes that are required to make OAuth authentication using Keycloak.

This WAR needs to either replaced or updated. Please note that "database-service" is to mimic the database service, that will be different in a real use-case, however the steps defined for the access will be same. The above command will generate a new WAR file for deployment. Follow the below directions to deploy this new WAR file.

If you are working with JDV 6. Start both Keycloak and Teiid Servers. If both of these servers are in the same machine, then we need to offset the ports of Teiid server such that they will not conflict with that of the Keycloak server. For this example, I started the Teiid server as. Back to top. In the left pane, choose Power Query under templates. This is the Power BI extension. Choose it and you should now see a form as shown below where it will ask you to sign in.

Login with your credentials, and you should now see the below authorization screen. Click on Allow. You should now be back on Power BI Sign in form, you should now be signed in.

Click on Connect to see your data. View all Tutorials for: OData.


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