What was happening in 1300

Under Orkahn, the Empire expanded to include central Anatolia and Thrace. He demanded the crown of France. Edward won the support of many Flemish towns. He ravaged the French countryside, but at first fought no decisive battles. The victory gave England naval supremacy in the English Channel. This marked the first use of cannon and small arms in battle in Europe.

It is estimated that of a population of 75 million people, between 19 to 35 million died. The plague was spread by rats infested by infected fleas. The plague originated in the East. Wave after wave of Black Death epidemics brought to the 14th Century the end to feudalism and the peasants wanted their demands met. This was the start of organised labour and the start of the end of the overlords.

Our 14th century chronology and timelines are being created and curated but already via each century page you can quickly locate our collections for each years of history. These evolve as we explore topical themes, but if you are looking for something you can't see here then please feel free to contact us and request , Thanks for taking a look.

Timeline of the 14th Century. Edward consented and then revoked his decision. Edward was forced to agree to the appointment of a commission of reform calling themselves Lords Ordainers. Edward never forgave the murderers of Gaveston. There followed years during which Edward built a new coterie of supporters namely the Despensers, father and son Battle of Bannockburn. Edwards army was routed at Bannockburn which secured the independence of Scotland. His manual on anatomy will be the first that is founded on practical dissection.

Repeal of the Ordinances. They and the King enjoyed 5 years of rule. Mortimer and Isabella landed in England and were joined by a large section of the baronage. The Despensers were caught and hanged and King Edward fled but was captured and brought to Kenilworth Castle. He resigns his crown in favour of his 13 year old son.

Isabella and Mortimer ruled in the name of the young king. The Persian poet Sa'di publishes his Bustan 'Orchard' , a collection of moral tales in verse. Henry III accepts severe curtailment of his powers in the Provisions of Oxford, but then asks the pope to absolve him from his oath.

When Hulagu and his Mongol army reach Baghdad, in , it is said that , of the inhabitants are killed - and the caliph is kicked to death. Nicola Pisano completes a pulpit for Pisa, borrowing details from Roman sarcophagi - an early example of a new interest in the classical past. Go to Pisano, Nicola c. A new form of poetry is written in northern Italy, described later by Dante as a sweet new style - the dolce stil nuovo.

Go to Bohemia in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. A Scottish victory over the Norwegians at Largs results in the recovery of the western isles. Go to Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester c. Hulagu and his Mongol descendants rule Persia as Il-khans, subordinate to the great khan in the east.

Go to khanate in A Dictionary of World History 2 ed. Prince Edward, escaping from captivity, defeats and kills Simon de Montfort at Evesham. Thomas Aquinas begins the outstanding work of medieval scholasticism, his Summa Theologiae. The first mention of a lens occurs in a manuscript by Roger Bacon, to be soon followed by the invention of spectacles. Go to Bacon, Roger c. Go to Almohad in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. The Assassins are systematically destroyed by Baybars, the Mameluke sultan of Egypt.

Novgorod asserts its independence, electing its own city magistrate to take over the role of the local Russian prince. Marco Polo, aged seventeen, sets off from Venice on his journey to the east.

Go to Polo, Marco c. Go to Edward I b. The period without a German king, known as the Great Interregnum, ends with the election of a Habsburg prince, Rudolf I. The Mongol invasion of Japan in seems to confirm the doom and disaster foretold by the Buddhist prophet Nichiren. Go to Nichiren —82 in A Dictionary of Buddhism 1 ed. Dante, aged nine, is overwhelmed by the beauty of Beatrice - a child a year younger than himself who later becomes his poetic inspiration.

Kublai Khan moves his administrative capital from Karakorum to what is now Beijing. Mongol control over the entire breadth of Asia introduces a stability often called the Pax Mongolica, echoing the Pax Romana. Marco Polo is presented to Kublai Khan in Xanadu, and according to his own account makes a very good impression. The Mamelukes control Palestine and Syria, bringing the region securely back into Muslim hands. Go to Song — in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. Resistance from the last adherents of the Song dynasty is finally brought to an end, giving Kublai Khan control of a united China.

Beijing known to the Mongols as Khanbaliq, 'city of the khan', and to the Chinese as Dadu, 'great capital' becomes for the first time the capital of China. For the second time Japan is saved from Mongol invasion by powerful storms - which are given the name kamikaze , or 'divine wind'. Go to kamikaze in A Dictionary of World History 2 ed.

An incident in a church service sparks the uprising known as the Sicilian Vespers, in which French are killed overnight in Sicily. An uprising by Llewellyn ap Gruffydd, the prince of Wales, ends with his own death and the subjugation of Wales by the king of England, Edward I.

Edward I begins a series of powerful castles - Harlech, Caernarfon and Conwy in this year alone - to subdue the Welsh. Osman inherits the leadership of the tribal group later known by a version of his name, as the Ottoman Turks. Edward I of England arranges for his 5-year-old heir to marry Margaret the Maid of Norway, the 7-year-old heiress to the kingdom of Scotland.

Go to Margaret, Maid of Norway c. The death of Margaret, child heiress to the Scottish throne, results in John de Balliol being chosen as king. Go to John Balliol b.

The Jews in England are driven out of the country, soon to be followed by those in France. In the space of a few months the Muslims take the last four crusader castles, Tyre, Sidon, Acre and finally Beirut.

The first open-air democratic assembly, later characteristic of the Swiss cantons, is held in Schwyz. Go to canton in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. The new Mameluke dynasty in Egypt begins a systematic campaign to drive the Crusaders out of the Middle East.

The parliament summoned by Edward I in Westminster Hall is later seen as a 'model' for the breadth of its representation. Marco Polo is back in Venice after an absence of 25 years in the east. The English government in Dublin calls a parliament on the lines of England's recent Model Parliament. Go to Wallace, William d. The authorities in Siena publish strict regulations for the design of the buildings around a new central piazza, the Campo.

Go to Siena in World Encyclopedia 1 ed. Marco Polo, in prison in Genoa, is persuaded by a fellow prisoner to narrate his adventures. He has greatly expanded his family's territory. The French monarchy has become a maritime and commercial power, and Paris has become a fortified city with a university that attracts students from various other lands.

And he dies. August Frederick wants control over Jerusalem, which he believes he has inherited through marriage.

Al-Kamil recognizes Frederick as King of Jerusalem and cedes to him Bethlehem and Nazareth, but Frederick is not allowed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, destroyed by Saladin in Pope Gregory IX is taking responsibility for orthodoxy away from bishops and putting inquisitors under jurisdiction of the papacy.

In western Africa the Sosso ruler, Sumaguru Kante, has been raiding and conquering people. Sundjata Keita, who survived one of Sumaguru's raids a decade earlier, is leading a guerrilla war against Sumaguru and defeats him. Sumaguru is dead. Sundjata takes control of all the Soninke people recently conquered by the Sosso. He acquires the name Alexander Nevsky of the Neva. He takes control of the gold trade routes and rules a new empire: Mali.

It withdraws because Ogedei has died and they need to participate in choosing a new leader. It is the beginning of routine business between the Mongols and the Italians — from Venice and Genoa — and their selling of slaves to the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, who has a slave army. It is decreed that streets shall be widened, that people shall not discard into the street refuse, bath water, "dirt" and "human filth.

Kilwa controls trade, including at Sofala , a point of departure for gold, iron and slaves. They were guards for Sultan as-Salih. These are the Mamluks. The sultan has died and the Mamluks have taken power. Their move is legitimized as their leader, Aybak, marries the deceased sultan's wife.


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