Eye pyramid what does it mean

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So, OK, but where did the pyramid come from? The next theory from my impromptu survey comes from 9 year-old Brian Bush. Brian had just finished touring the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

They started out as part of our Great Seal. FDR added them to the dollar. If you go even farther back in history, you can find an eye being used in ancient Egyptian times. For example, the "Eye of Horus" belongs to Horus, the sky god, often depicted as a falcon. It's a falcon's eye. Fast-forward to the founding of the United States, and it ended up on the back end of the Great Seal on top of a pyramid.

Steven C. Bullock: The pyramid is a sign of strength and survival and long-lasting, and that's showing that the new nation is going to survive and last a long time, and it's built on 13 different steps meaning the 13 new states, the 13 former colonies. It was a few years later that the Freemasons started using the eye. Some think it's the masons' way of projecting their own watchful power, but it's actually the opposite. Bullock: The all-seeing eye of God was designed for freemasons was designed to be a message to themselves.

Freemasons were reminding themselves to keep to their own strict moral standards, not push their values on the general public. Other conspiracies say the eye on the seal of the United States and the dollar bill means the government is always watching us. But again, its real meaning goes back to a higher power. Bullock: It's supposed to represent America being watched over by God, America being created under God's watchful eye. God had been depicted in numerous cryptic ways before, such as by a single hand emerging from a cloud, but not as an eye.

But there is a deeper history to the eye as a symbol to consider — one that takes us back to the earliest known religions. In the third millennium BCE, the Sumerians conveyed the holiness of certain sculptures by abnormally enlarging their eyes to enhance the sensation of dutiful watchfulness.

The Sumerians used abnormally large eyes to convey the holiness of divine figures Credit: Metropolitan Museum of Art. But it was the ancient Egyptians who were the originators of the detached eye as a motif: for example, a pair of eyes painted on a coffin that allowed the dead to see in the afterlife.

And one of the most famous of all Egyptian symbols is the Eye of Horus. With the help of Thoth, he later healed his eyes. The Eye of Horus was therefore a protective symbol, often used as an amulet, a sculpture small enough for a person to carry in their pocket as a form of protection. The Eye of Horus — a hybrid of a human and falcon eye — was carried as a form of protection Credit: Alamy.

This and other Egyptian hieroglyphs of isolated human eyes went on to affect European iconography during the Renaissance. Nowadays we know that they are a written language of mainly phonetic signs, but in the s and s they were believed to have a much more mystical significance.


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