How does doctor bernstein work

We get their labs before I see them. I do a webcast once a month. About a year ago, we merged the two — the Ask Dr. They are broken into small segments so no one has to watch a single video for an hour. If you go through the list, it gives people a chance to watch me age.

Ever since my wife died, I do use a CGM. She was my CGM before. If one person out of 3, dies from hypoglycemia, I can get sued. Well, a little bit has changed. But they advocate fruit, orange juice, whole-grain breads, and several doses of that per day. Remember the article a year and a half ago in the JAMA journal, reporting that going back to the s, the sugar industry and sweet food makers were bribing investigators, institutions and organizations to put the blame on fats instead of carbohydrates?

That made headlines in the New York Times , and then everyone forgot about it. Yes, when you let people eat this way and you see the results, they learn that it works right away. They can experiment on themselves, with a blood sugar meter.

Those people come around very readily. Those people who have to believe one guy versus another guy, in all likelihood are going to believe the guy with a bigger voice — such as an institution that backs thousands of doctors. People will listen to that. There are clusters of knowledge out there. Yes, there is a group of 21, people with type 1 in the United Kingdom that follow a low-carb diet.

Of course, there are several thousands of the Type One Grit people on Facebook. They post pictures of their CGM graphs and these straight, horizontal lines for the world to see on the Internet. There are clusters here and there of people successfully following low-carb diets, and my basal-bolus insulin dosing has pretty much become standard for this community. I write about it in my books and advocate. Well, the foods that are often high in gluten are also high in carbohydrate.

Gluten is a protein and comes in grains, so the two go hand-in-hand. These devices are based on algorithms that allow for high carbs and high doses of insulin, in order to work. People are not remotely doing as well as they can on those, when they switch to my system of low carb eating.

It becomes easier if someone is using both — a closed loop and low-carb. Appendix A details the current controversy and the shaky science behind the present, faddish high-carbohydrate dietary recommendations, and lays out my concerns and opinions.

Egg yolks, by the way, are a major source of the nutrient lutein, which is beneficial to the retina of the eye. Organic eggs contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your arteries. About half the calories in these products come from benevolent vegetable fats, and the balance from varying amounts of protein and slow-acting carbohydrate.

They are easy to cook in a skillet or microwave. Protein and carbohydrate content should be read from the labels and counted in your meal plan. Their principal value is for people who are vegetarian or want to avoid red meat. Health food stores stock many of these products. Although most commercial and homemade soups contain large amounts of simple sugars, you can learn how to buy or prepare lower zero-carbohydrate soups.

Many but not all packaged bouillon preparations have no added sugar and only small amounts of carbohydrate. Homemade soups, cooked without vegetables, can be made very tasty if they are concentrated.

You can achieve this by barely covering the meat or chicken with water while cooking, rather than filling the entire pot with water, as is the customary procedure. Alternatively, let the stock cook down reduce so you get a more concentrated, flavorful soup.

You can also use herbs and spices, all of which have negligible amounts of carbohydrates, to enhance flavor. Clam broth not chowder is usually very low in carbohydrate. In the United States, you can also buy clam juices not Clamato , which contain only about 2 grams of carbohydrate in 3 fluid ounces. College Inn brand canned chicken broth contains no carbohydrate.

Most bouillon cubes are also low in carbohydrate; read the labels. Most cheeses other than cottage cheese contain approximately equal amounts of protein and fat and small amounts of carbohydrate. The carbohydrate and the protein must be figured into the meal plan, as I will explain in Chapter For people who want unwisely to avoid animal fats, there are some special soybean cheeses not very tasty. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium. Every ounce of whole milk cheese contains approximately 1 gram carbohydrate, except cottage cheese, which contains more.

Generally speaking, where dairy products are concerned, the lower the fat, the higher the sugar lactose, with skim milk cheeses containing the most lactose and the least fat, and butter containing no lactose and the most fat. One tablespoon of cream has only 0.

The cheese puffs I describe in the next chapter page are low in carbohydrate and can be used instead of bread to make sandwiches. For our purposes the plain whole milk yogurt, unflavored, unsweetened, and without fruit, is a reasonable food.

A full 8-ounce container of plain, Erivan brand, unflavored whole milk yogurt contains only 11 grams of carbohydrate and 2 ounces of protein. You can even throw in some chopped vegetables and not exceed the 12 grams of carbohydrate limit we suggest for lunch.

Do not use nonfat yogurt. The carbohydrate goes up to 17 grams per 8-ounce container. It can be sweetened with stevia liquid or powder or with Equal or Splenda tablets that have been dissolved in a small amount of hot water.

Erivan brand yogurt is available at health food stores throughout the United States. If you read labels, you may find brands similarly low in carbohydrate in your supermarket; two such brands are Stonyfield Farm and Brown Cow Farm.

There are many soy products that can be used in our diet plan, and soymilk is no exception. Others drink it as a beverage, either straight or with added flavoring such as those mentioned for yogurt. Personally, I find the taste too bland to drink without flavoring, and I much prefer cream diluted with water. It will curdle if you put it into very hot drinks. If you or someone in your home is willing to try baking with soybean flour, you will find a neat solution to the pastry restriction.

You could make chicken pies, tuna pies, and even sugar-free Jell-O pies or pumpkin pies. Just remember to include the carbohydrate and protein contents in your meal plan. Soybean flour usually must be blended with egg to form a batter suitable for breads, cakes, and the like. Creating a blend that works requires either experience or experimentation.

Bran Crackers Of the dozens of different crackers that I have seen in health food stores and supermarkets, I have found only three brands that are truly low in carbohydrate.

If eaten in excessive amounts, bran crackers can cause diarrhea. They should be eaten with liquid. They are not recommended for people with gastroparesis delayed stomach-emptying , since the bran fibers can form a plug that blocks the outlet of the stomach. The carbohydrate in these crackers is very slow to raise blood sugar. They are great for people who need a substitute for toast at breakfast. Note: In the United States, labeling regulations require that fiber be listed as carbohydrate.

There are many different kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble, digestible and undigestible, and so, because there is no requirement to distinguish in labeling between them, these listings can complicate computation of carbohydrate content. Use the carbohydrate amounts that I have listed above instead of those listed on the package labels.

When my friend Kanji sent me a beautifully decorated canister from Japan, I was most impressed and intrigued. You can imagine my dismay when I removed the cover and found seaweed. My dismay was only temporary, however. I reluctantly opened one of the cellophane envelopes and pulled out a tissue-thin slice.

My first nibble was quite a surprise—it was delicious. When consumed in small amounts, I found, it had virtually no effect upon blood sugar. Once addicted, I combed the health food stores searching for more. Most of the seaweed I tried tasted like salty paper. It contains small amounts of additional ingredients that include soybeans, rice, barley, and red pepper. It is available at most health food stores, and is a very tasty snack.

Five or six pieces at a time have had no effect upon my blood sugar. Since the product contains about 40 percent carbohydrate, each strip will have only 0. Larger sheets of toasted nori should be weighed in order to estimate their carbohydrate content. I carry a package of Equal aspartame tablets with me, particularly when I go out to eat. Cyclamate is not currently available in the United States, but may be returning.

Aspartame is destroyed by cooking and is much more costly than saccharin, which has a bitter aftertaste, but it will work for sweetening hot coffee or tea. Equal tablets are available in most pharmacies and many supermarkets. Although Equal tablets contain lactose, the amount is too small to affect blood sugar. It is not degraded by cooking. There are, however, some questions about its causing cancer, so there may be better choices. Other noncaloric tablet sweeteners will be appearing on grocery shelves in the United States in the future.

Stevia, mentioned earlier, is an herbal sweetener and has been available in health food stores for many years. It is not degraded by cooking and is packaged in powder and liquid forms. The liquid must be refrigerated to prevent spoiling. Stevia has not yet been approved in the European Union because of fears that it may cause cancer. Splenda sucralose tablets are available now in some parts of the United States, overseas, and on the Internet. They are benign in spite of containing minute amounts of lactose.

In powdered form, Splenda, like the others except stevia, is principally a mixture of sugars to provide bulk and should be avoided.

These artificially sweetened liquid flavors are sold by many supermarkets in the northeast United States. Here are the main food groups for the weight loss process.

Lean meats such as chicken breasts skins removed , lean beef, moose, pork tenderloin, turkey breast, etc. Limit processed meats such as deli slices, smoked chicken, and turkey. You are also allowed fish and seafood such as crab meat, lobster, salmon, scallops, shrimp, swordfish, tuna, and whitefish.

Egg whites 6 , fat-free kraft cheese slices 3 slices. Although this is a low carb diet, it is not a high fat diet like a typical ketogenic diet or atkins diet. Asparagus, artichokes, beet greens, fennel, lettuce, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumbers, rapini, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans onions, peppers, red radishes. They do recommend eating real food but do also sell some protein shakes and bars as alternatives if you are out on the road.

It is also recommended to drink a lot of water on the Bernstein Diet as this will help speed up fat loss. This is not a high-carbohydrate diet.

Fresh fruit only, no canned or dry fruit. All fruit sizes are small to medium. It is recommended to drink a minimum of 8 glasses or 2 liters per day. In addition to water, you can also drink herbal tea, mineral water, soda water, sugar-free and caffeine-free soft drinks, and decaffeinated coffee 1 per day.

Alcohol on the Dr Bernstein diet is not permitted. You need to keep track of your daily food on a diet planner that is provided by the clinic.

This diet planner will be checked during your virtual visits. The program has changed to an at-home virtual program. You will still keep track of your daily food and meet with nurse over the phone once a week.

You will also meet with a doctor every weeks to review your progress and your health. Daily injections have been changed to injections only 3 times per week. Once you receive it, you will meet virtually with a nurse who will teach you how to test your ketones daily and how to self-inject your secret vitamin b cocktail. The ketones are a great indicator if you are on track and losing fat.

If you cheated, it will show in your ketones. The ketone levels indicate if you are in fat-burning mode. The vitamin injections are a combination of B6 and B Supplies of the vitamin injections along with the syringe and alcohol wipes will be shipped to your home.

Normally the vitamin injections will be injected into the abdomen. This includes the vitamin injection kit. The cost of the vitamins is extra. Vitamin B12 for weight loss works because of its ability to boost metabolism and provide lasting energy. Vitamin B is a water-soluble B complex vitamin found naturally in a variety of foods, including meat, fish, and dairy products. One review concluded that vitamin B12 plays a key role in fat metabolism , noting that a deficiency could be linked to increased fat accumulation and obesity.

You are put on a meal plan that is low calorie, low carb. You now meet with a nurse virtually for check-ins and you will administer your own vitamin injections that consists of a combination of B6 and B12 vitamins that help to enhance your weight loss. They indicate that you can lose up to 20 lbs per month. It depends on the person but I personally lost 20lbs in one month on the program.

Yes, the Dr Bernstein Diet worked for me. I lost 20 pounds in 30 days. I have tried to maintain the diet and generally watch what I eat but living on calories is impossible.

While on the Dr Bernstein Diet I had a lot of energy and I suspect that is due to the vitamin injections. I did notice on the Dr Bernstein Diet that I was losing more hair in the shower. This is common on low-calorie diets. All of the clinic locations have permanently closed due to the COVID pandemic and related restrictions. They are now offering the Bernstein At-Home Weight Loss Program that you can follow from the comfort and safety of your own home, complete with one-on-one personal support from their team of Nurses and Doctors.

Going on the Dr Bernstein diet is definitely a personal choice and I completely understand how frustrating it can be when you have tried everything and the weight simply will not budge.

You will lose weight on the Bernstein Diet but also keep in mind what will happen after you are no longer on the Bernstein diet. They do have a maintenance plan and package, to help guide you into introducing more foods into your diet but that is an extra fee.


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