How does gengar learn hypnosis
Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm trying to find a way to have my Gengar both in Pokemon Sapphire Alpha or X to learn a skill to make other Pokemon fall asleep. If you already have a levelled Gengar, go to the Move Relearner in either of the games to relearn Hypnosis.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How can I teach Gengar a skill to make enemies fall asleep? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. I prefer a Pandora Gengar with Toss, but that's just me.
If you don't like it, bite me. The game is only broken when you break the rules Felix, I think you should lay down the crack pipe and step away from it To stop Jynx from becoming Mewtwo's big badass sister. I was snortin coke. Crack is terrible for your lungs.
Coke clears out your sinuses really well. Now you know. The threat of sleep attacks, in my opinion, is one aspect that adds to the variety of pokeworld. It's bizzare potential to send a whole team to the neverland is something that every player must be able to anticipate--it is up to them to expose the attacks' weaknesses.
Isn't that the reason to why we all study at Azureheights? To be able to predict and counter stuff like this? And sleep attacks HAVE weaknesses, mainly being inaccurate. However, he is one of the slowest poke in the game, which gives the opponent time to pre-act to it. As is with Jynx, Lovely Kiss is her trademark for no one else learns it. Unlike Spore however, Lovely-Kiss is fairly inaccurate. If one of the reason to use sleep clause is to "stop Jynx from being MewTwo big badass' sister" , or in other words, to keep a pokemon from being difficult to beat, then, hell, we should be banning more things such as: using MewTwo, SwiftDancingMew, Jynx, Exegcutor, DT-Rest combination, Explosion, Amnesia, etc..
In conclusion, all I'm saying is that don't adopt sleep clause just because you don't want to deal with the difficulty of anticipating sleep attacks. What makes a good player, among other things, is totality and versatility-- and that includes dealing with sleep attacks.
Awww, hell. There is a sleep clause for a reason, moron. Let me put it to you this way. Which reminds me, check out the all-weedle team. It's actually pretty good. Evasion is somewhat messed up, Mewtwo is cheap shut up, Fanha wannabes , max stats is virtually impossible, there are no good fighting moves, poison sucks not that it was made any better in Metallics , Psychics are extremely way too strong, Bug types aren't all that good, Electrics aren't all they're cracked up to be, there is no effective way to down a normal type especially snorlax, and so on.
Now that I'm done that rant, Felix, you're pretty cool, I'd like to see you in play though, and without snorting coke. Pympman, your snorlax may not wear pants, but Slowking needs them. Of course, to quote Yavarice, "If it were cold and snowing you'd want pants too. It would be the only clothes that would fit me well. Notes that I really should have posted earlier to avoid a really long post.
Espeon, you're a n00b. Go away. Gengar is a gambler, no matter which way you look at it. A psychic will own its azz, and quaking it redefines the definition of the dead undead. I suppose that in Gameboy Links and PBS it would work otherwise great because of the possibility of 8 turns sleeping, but on stadium, that's why most people use Paralysis moves instead of sleep moves.
If your opponent knows what's going on, he'll switch out his snoozing poke for something else, even though you're likely sending a Dream Eater his way. Let me clear something up about Exeggutor, cuz it seems that there are a load of people that are having trouble with it. You're really not limited. Yeah, of those Ice is the most popular, but seriously, some of us have been playing this too long hand have gotten too good at the game to play by the old popular moves and we're trying to find new ways to make the game fun.
Which is another reason why I think GSC tradebacks aren't all that bad. Gives us whole new sets to work with. They poor guy's attack is pitiful. He's a special based attacker, let him have his glory like that. Pornbot, good set. I think it would actually work pretty well on one of my Paracon teams. Good way to fend off Quakers. S2K, replacing Seismic Toss for Thunderbolt would not be too cool on this set because it was meant to be able to fend off grounds.
Psychic's a good possibility, though. Someone please explain this Pandora thing. I've heard of it before, but I've never seen the set. Sort of like Benedict. Taking away the Sleep clause wouldn't necesarily cause Jynx to be Mewtwo's big badass sister. Jynx with Dream Eater and no sleep clause would. Or Eggy with DE. Or Parasect. You get the point. Adopting Sleep clause has more to do with the lack of being able to stop sleep. Jynx with Lovely kiss or Sleep powder is still devastating.
Heck, even Hypnosis and Sing can be devastating when they connect. Being out for 8 turns is not cool at all. Let me give you a comparison. That's the same as catching a Max DV monster. It just doesn't happen. In comparison, and this has only happened to me once, being paralysed four times in a row is a one in chance. But that's much more possible. If a Pokemon is Paralyzed, they cannot be Burned as well. Z-Moves cannot miss. How do you get gengar to learn hypnosis?
How do you get the TM hypnosis in fire red? How do I get gastly hypnosis? Can gengar make Pokemon sleep? Can gengar use hypnosis? Can you catch a Gastly that knows hypnosis? Where can I find Gastly in Kanto? Where can I find the TM for hypnosis?
Don't have an account? Sign up for free! When will Gengar learn Dream Eater move and Hypnosis? I have Gengar LV. Cuz i want to hurry defeat the Elite 4. User Info: DarknessTroupe. Top Voted Answer.