How does music influences people
So, why does music have such a big impact on the way you feel? Certain types of music activate dopamine receptors in your brain, allowing the hormone to give you feelings of happiness and comfort. Because music has such a powerful impact on how we feel and mood regulation, it can be used for things like mental health treatments and therapies for some neurological disorders.
Major companies and marketing agencies know just how influential music can be. Now, try to think about those commercials without the music. The right song in a commercial or advertisement can make a huge difference in creating an emotional response.
The bigger that emotional response is, the more likely it will be for consumers to choose that product, brand, business, etc. They are still exposed to music in shops, restaurants, and other commercial environments without active control: But they also control its use in the home, in the car, while exer- cising, and in other everyday environments.
Rock music was found to increase adrenalin levels in a group of students, while a slow piano instrumental had a calming effect. Music may be a recurring positive presence in our lives, but it can also come with negatives both to yourself and to others…. A study in Finland researched the correlation with music and mental health. The study found that listening to sad music at a high amount, has a negative effect on your thinking or thought process.
In addition to emotional side effects, music can negatively affect your relationships. Listening to loud music a lot can cause the same kind of damage, especially if headphones or ear buds are used. Some famous musicians have suffered hearing loss and developed tinnitus — a real problem for someone who needs to hear to make and enjoy music.
The answer lies in a metaphorically delectable neurotransmitter called dopamine. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messages sent between neurones in your brain. Different neurotransmitters elicit different effects. The release of dopamine in particular is associated with pleasure and addiction. Taking a second or so break every minutes can prevent fatigue and will help restore your understanding of your song.
Sometimes when the lyrics of the song reflect your memories , you start getting obsessed and then you feel like listening to that specific song over and over again. A new study from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at McGill University found that listening to highly pleasurable music releases the same reward neurotransmitter — dopamine — in the brain that is associated with food, drugs and sex.
This neurochemical pathway involves the release of substances naturally produced by the brain that are structurally similar to opiates like heroin. A musical hallucination is a type of auditory hallucination where music is perceived without an external source. It is observed in primary psychotic illness, in sensory deprivation states like hearing impairment and organic psychosis. Because you listen with your ears and your brain. At night your brain tends to be more relaxed and this helps you focus on the listening experience.
Neuroscientists believe that our brains go through two stages when we listen to a piece of music that gives us the chills. The caudate nucleus in the brain anticipates the build-up of our favourite part of a song as we listen, while the nucleus accumbens is triggered by the peak causing the release of endorphins.
Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Arts How does music influence and impact the world that we live in? Ben Davis January 21, How does music influence and impact the world that we live in?
How does music bring different cultures together? How has music changed the world? How is music used in society? Why is music so powerful? What are the 3 roles of music? What are the roles of music?
What is the main purpose of music? What can we learn from music? Why is it important to learn music? What are the advantages of music? How does music help students learn? Is music beneficial to students? The areas covered by passing by behaviors can also be reduced with music. This means that the presence of music caused people to be more centralized and walk closer to the sound source when passing by.
In terms of the speed of the passing by behavior, the square was considered both with and without background music. The mean speed of the walking around behavior in the square was 1. The minimum speed was 1. This section addresses the effects of music on the path of walking around behavior. Previous studies indicate that the paths from movement behavior are not random, but rather they are regular and directional.
Thus, based on the observations, the paths of walking around behavior were classified into four categories according to the location of boundaries and the water feature fence in the square. There were significant differences between the four paths, and therefore they were separated for a comparative analysis in which the square with and without background music was considered.
As Figure 6A shows, the mean areas of the paths from walking around behavior in the square were a , b , c , and m 2 d. As Figure 6B shows, the mean perimeters of the paths from walking around behavior in the square was a , b , c , and m d.
Effect of music on path of walking around behavior with and without music in the case site: A area and B perimeter. As Figure 6B shows, the mean perimeters of the paths from walking around behavior in the square were a , b , c , and m d. The results indicated that the mean areas of walking around behavior in the square with background music were Comparing the cases with and without background music indicated that the mean perimeters of walking around behavior in the square with background music were The ANOVA test was used to analysis the significance among music, category, and characteristics of walking around behavior, as shown in Table 1.
TABLE 1. ANOVA test for music, category, path and speed of walking around behavior. A possible reason for these results in categories a and b is that the crowd may have tended to move toward sound stimuli and then walk around at a shorter distance away from the music; this is then similar to the results found for passing by behavior.
Compared with categories a and b, a possible reason for the results in categories c and d is that the crowd at categories c and d was relatively far away from the music sound source and therefore the effect of music was not significant in these situations. The mean speed of the four paths was analyzed first. The maximum difference of mean speeds among the four paths was 0. Therefore, the paths were merged to analyze the speed of walking around behavior. Figure 7 shows the speed of walking around behavior in squares with and without background music.
Effect of music on speed of walking around behavior with and without music in the square. The mean speed of the paths for walking around behavior in the square was 1. The minimum speed was 0. This section addresses the effects of music of sitting behavior on crowd density. According to the statistical analyses, the number of those exhibiting sitting behavior ranged from 0 to The relationship between crowd density and distance away from the music sound source in the square is shown in Figure 8 , where the solid line means 0—10 persons, the dotted line means 11—20 persons, and the chain line means 21—30 persons, along with the linear regression and the coefficient of determination R 2.
Results for observations with and without background music are discussed. Relationship between crowd density of those with sitting behavior and distances away from music sound source in the square: A with music and B without music, where the solid line means 0—10 persons, the dotted line means 11—20 persons, and the chain line means 21—30 persons. As Figure 8A shows, there were no significant differences in sitting behavior by distance away from the music sound source, with linear regression R 2 of 0.
The results indicated that sitting behavior remained randomly distributed over the case site with the increase of crowd density, and was generally not changed with different distance of sound sources. When the number of persons engaged in sitting behavior ranged from 0 to 10, 11 to 20, and 21 to 30, the crowd densities were respectively about 0. It can be seen that sitting behavior increased with decreasing distance away from the music sound source, with linear regression R 2 of 0.
It can be seen from Figure 8B that the crowd of persons engaged in sitting behavior decreased with increasing distance of music sound source. When the number of those exhibiting sitting behavior ranged from 0 to 10, the crowd densities were 0. When the number of those exhibiting sitting behavior ranged from 10 to 20, the crowd densities were about 1. When the number of those exhibiting sitting behavior ranged from 20 to 30, the crowd densities were about 2.
One possible reason for these results is that the frequency of the music heard is reduced as the distance from music sound source is increased. It is interesting to note that when the numbers exhibiting increase in sitting behavior, the inclination of the three corresponding linear trend curves fell faster. For example, when the number of those with sitting behavior ranged from 0 to 10, crowd density in the square with background music was reduced by 0.
The comparison reveals that the crowd density of those exhibiting sitting behavior in the square with background music was higher than that without background music, when the distance to sound source was relatively shorter, while the crowd density of sitting behavior in the square with background music was lower than that without background music, when the distance was relatively long.
For example, when the number of those with sitting behaviors ranged from 20 to 30, at 15—20 m away from the music sound source, crowd density was 0. The purpose of the present study was to explore the effect of music on movement behaviors, such as passing by behavior and walking around behavior, and non-movement behaviors, such as sitting behavior, in urban open spaces.
This is in contrast to Lavia et al. One possible reason for this is that the aims of passing by behavior are different in the two studies. In Lavia et al. Some previous studies have pointed that when walkers do not have a clear purpose, their speed can be changed by landscape or environmental factors Chen, ; Jia, ; Xie et al.
In contrast, in the present study, the users are passing to go to work or school, and thus have a clear purpose, making it reasonable that the speed of their behavior was not affected by the background music. An investigation among students also pointed out that visual differences do not change the speed of going to school Fiegel et al.
As for the effect of sound on path of passing by behavior, some previous studies have indicated that some animals and people will change their path to be far away from traffic noise Lambert et al. These results reinforce that behaviors can be effectively changed using the urban soundscape Husain et al. This result was the same as another study in which crowd behavior tended to move toward music Jia, It is also interesting to note that a third study found that the children have different play behaviors with increasing distance from music Holmes and Willoughby, In addition, the difference by the presence or absence of background music decreased as the area and perimeter increased.
This was different from the effect of music on speed of passing by behavior, as the mean speed during walking around behavior with background music in the square was 0. These results show once more that behaviors without aims can be changed by environmental and landscape factors Chen, ; Jia, ; Xie et al.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the music drew people closer to the sound source and slowed their speed of walking. These results were the same as those found by Lavia et al. A possible reason for this is that when hearing background music, users feel more comfortable; thus, their speed of walking around slows.
However, as the distance from the sound source increased, crowd density of those with sitting behavior decreased accordingly. Some previous studies have pointed that when there is no music, there is no significant difference in the crowd density of those with sitting behavior in indoor spaces such as railway stations and underground shopping streets Debrezion et al. In urban open spaces, Meng and Kang also found that human sound-related activities generally have little effect on the sitting behaviors of pedestrians.
On the effect of music, this result proves once more the finding that music-related activities increased the number of persons who passed by who stood and watched Meng and Kang, As with music, users can also be attracted to a location by some nature sounds, such as sounds of bird or water Liu et al. Some previous studies have also pointed that the acoustic perception of music is usually more salient than that of nature sounds Aletta et al. There are a number of possible implications for the applied value of the present study.
Certain soundscapes, such as some music, may lead pedestrians to different paths in urban open spaces; it will be useful in landscape design to further investigate ways to lead walkers to suitable paths in gardens, for instance. Moreover, in leisure spaces such as parks, music can be used to decrease the speed of users and help them enjoy the landscape carefully.
Furthermore, in rest areas in squares, a public-address system can be used to broadcast music to increase non-movement behavior, which can effectively increase interactions of citizens. As demonstrated in the literature review, there are many classifications of musical sounds; however, only typical musical sounds were used in this study.
In future studies, different tempos, genres, contexts, and levels of familiarity of musical sounds could also be investigated for comparison. Also, the location of the sound source was fixed in the present study; it can be seen from other studies that different locations of sound sources may lead to varying acoustic perceptions Kang and Zhang, Therefore, in future studies by the present authors, different locations of music sound sources will be designed to find out their different effects on behaviors.
Regarding movement and non-movement behaviors, only their speed and path were investigated in this work, whereas some previous studies have also pointed that characteristics of these behaviors such as duration and location also have effects that will be important for landscape design and urban planning Lepore et al. All authors carried out the study, designed the experiments, and wrote and critically reviewed the paper. QM and JK carried out the experiments.
TZ analyzed the results. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Aletta, F. Ashihara, Y. External Space Design. The orchestra was positively life-changing for all involved. Whether you are playing music or just listening and bobbing your head, the health benefits are remarkable.
You know that chill sensation you get when you listen to music you really like? It was discovered that music can release dopamine in two main places in the brain, the dorsal and ventral striatum.
When you are having a pleasurable experience, such as listening to your favorite song, these areas of the brain light up. In experiments where people looked at a happy face or a sad face, the music they listened to affected how they perceived it.
It influenced what they saw. If you were listening to happy music, a more neutral face was more likely to be viewed as happy, and vice versa. Music can also stir up old memories without the intention of doing so, bring back old emotions that were experienced at the time, shaping how we feel in the present moment.
If you've ever listened to any kind of music, you know your body can react in several different ways, such as:. The beat of the song you're listening to can even influence your heart rate , and when people sing together, their breathing often becomes synchronized, producing positive emotions.
These things happen because musical patterns affect our auditory cortex, which is part of the neural reward system and other areas involved in memory and emotion. You will be flooded with the emotions you experienced at that time, affecting the way you experience the world around you in the present moment.